====== Proposals for new words ====== ===== From "Ich will nicht nach Berlin" (Kraftklub) ===== Added from this list: **bagu** 'bag', **jut** 'jute', **bagu jut** 'jute bag' (//Jutebeutel//), **geste** 'guest', **liste** 'list, listing', **mivani** 'spectacles, (eye)glasses', **projet** 'project', **tiba** 'arrive', **yo malbas** 'clothing, clothes', **soya** 'soybean, soy, soya (bean)'. Leave as foreign word: //undercut// (hairstyle). Existed already: **bal** 'but, although' //(doch)//. ===== From "Hills Like White Elephants" (E. Hemingway) ===== Added from this list: **aliki** 'hang', **amaval** 'lovely' (ama+val), **ardi** 'ground, earth, land', **asinte** 'absinthe', **bambu** 'bamboo', **bar** 'bar, pub', **beba** 'carry', **bir** 'beer', **bisu** 'bead', **dehat** 'country, countryside (rural area)', **doro rel** 'railway, railroad, track (of a railway)', **elefan** 'elephant', **enterten** 'entertain, amuse', **estasion** 'station', **estra** 'extra-, outside', **etende** 'extend, spread, (out)stretch', **fa oke** 'get along, get by, make do, do OK', **felte** 'felt (material)', **forsa** 'force, compel, coerce', **glas** 'glass (for drinking)', **glisiris** 'licorice', **gren** 'grain (seed of grass food crops)', **hava** 'air', **hotel** 'hotel', **ila** 'except, but, besides', **inin** 'shadow, shade', **intasar** 'wait (for), await', **inter** 'inter-, (now also) between, among', **jen emeriki** 'American, U.S. American (person)', **jixi** 'know' (also in the 'I know her well' sense), **kobaridi** 'cool' (ko+baridi), **kombin** 'combine, join', **kombineria** 'junction', **komonte** 'hill' (ko+monte), **korde** 'string, cord, rope', **korten** 'curtain', **kostruin** 'building, edifice', **koxime** 'humid, damp' (ko+xime), **koxyau** 'smile' (ko+xyau), **krica** 'scream', **ku espesial** 'especially, particularly', **kvaliti** 'fine, high-quality', **leta** 'bring', **linya** 'line', **manan** 'mean, meaning', **mat glas** 'coaster', **mesa** 'table', **minut** 'minute', **mur** 'wall', **muxa** 'fly (insect)', **natmuve** 'rise, lift, pick up' (nat+muve), **ni troga** 'against (in physical contact with)', **no ... mo** 'no longer, (not) any more' (put the //no// before the verb), **oke** 'OK, okay, all right', **ol no** 'not at all', **opere** 'operate, operation', **otra ples** 'somewhere else, elsewhere, away', **pakar** 'catch, capture, seize, grasp, grab, grip', **pento** 'paint (substance)', **pentoda** 'paint (apply paint to)', **pifu** 'skin', **plesiri** 'pleasant, nice, agreeable', **por** 'for (a certain duration)', **preveni** 'prevent, forestall, prevention', **pruva** 'prove, proof', **rasdraji** 'annoy, bother, irritate; mind (with subject and object reversed, or in the passive), **rasoni** 'reasonable' (rason+i), **rel** 'rail', **reste** 'stay, remain', **sereal** 'cereal (type of grass and its grains), grain', **suki** 'like (enjoy, find attractive)', **supos** 'suppose, assume, guess', **ta tem** 'then' (at that time, in that case), **tras** 'trans-, across, through', **tinji** 'stop, halt', **topi** 'hat', **tren** 'train', **tvi** 'leg', **ultra** 'ultra-, beyond', **vadi** 'valley', **vapas** 'back (adverb)', **vebaca** 'girl (child)', **veka** 'put, place', **(xi) ansios** 'worry, fret, be anxious', **yujen** 'youth, child', **yuona** 'young woman, girl'. Existed already: **bi interes (an)** 'care (about), be interested (in)'. ===== From "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (United Nations) ===== Added for article 18: **abudu** 'worship, adore, adoration', **mostra** 'show, display, manifest', **pratika** 'practise, practice', **ritual** 'ritual, rite, observance (of rituals/rites)'. Added for article 17: **asosia** 'associate, association'. Added for article 16: **ban espos** 'marry (become a husband or wife, be joined in marriage)', **esposnes** 'marriage (state, union)', **fonde** 'found, establish', **nefonde** 'dissolve (terminate a union or organization)' (ne+fonde), **nia** 'intend, intention', **umri** 'age'. Note: 'group unit' in 16(3) might be translated as **elemen**, following the French version (//élément//). Added for article 15: **kita** 'remove, take away, deprive (with objects switched: //kita xos de jen// = deprive someone of something)', **nasionnes** 'nationality' (nasion+nes), **recasa** 'refuse, decline, deny'. Added for article 14: **asilu** 'asylum', **emerje** 'appear, emerge, arise', **hadafe** 'target, goal, purpose', **kaso** 'case (situation or event)', **persu** 'pursue, prosecute, pursuit, prosecution', **prinsipe** 'principle', **real** 'real, genuine'. Note: 'invoke' in the context of this article can be translated as **minta**. Added for article 13: **abit** 'reside, dwell, live (in), residence, habitation (state)', **fronter** 'border, frontier, boundary'. Added for article 12: **atake** 'attack', **familya** 'family', **interfer** 'interfere (in, with), interference', **koresponde** 'correspond, correspondence', **onor** 'honor', **pribatnes** 'privacy' (pribat+nes), **reputasi** 'reputation'. Added for article 11: **defende** 'defend, defense', **fa** 'do, commit', **garanti** 'guarantee', **impos** 'impose, inflict', **kavi** 'strong, heavy', **kulpi** 'guilty, culpable' (kulpa+i), **nekulpi** au **bina kulpa** 'innocent, not guilty, guiltless', **ni segi** 'along, according to', **omit** 'omit, omission', **puni** 'punish, punishment, penalty', **por** 'for, due to, on account of', **prose** 'try, trial, lawsuit', **supos** 'suppose, assume, presume', **usaval** 'applicable (should be applied, worthy of being applied)' (usa+val). Note: 'constitute' in the context of this article can be translated simply as **xi**. Added for article 10: **akus** 'accuse, accusation, charge', **bina prehukum** au **neprehukumi** 'unbiased, impartial, without prejudice(s)' (au **adil** 'just, fair, impartial'), **determin** 'determine, determination', **igvalnes** 'equality' (igval+nes), **krimi** 'criminal (adjective)' (krim+i), **publiki** 'public (adjective)' (publika+i), **sun** 'hear, hearing (act, legal procedure)'. Added for article 9: **arbitrer** 'arbitrary', **areste** 'arrest', **detene** 'detain, detention', **esil** 'exile'. Added for article 8: **basi** 'fundamental, basic', **da** 'give, grant', **efeti** 'effective' (efet+i), **kompeten** 'competent', **korte** 'court (of law), tribunal', **kostitusi** 'constitution', **remedi** 'remedy'. Added for articles 1–7: **amit** 'admit, admission, recognize (legally), recognition', **anti** 'anti-, against', **basa** 'base, foundation', **diskrimin** 'discriminate, discrimination', **esklave** 'slave', **esklavenes** 'slavery, servitude', **fana nica** 'degrading', **fa obyet (de)** 'subject (cause to undergo)', **forma** 'shape, form (noun)', **ha** 'have, possess, hold', **haki kanun** 'jurisdiction', **insit** 'incite, instigate, incitement', **komersia** 'trade, commerce', **kustodia** 'custody, guardianship', **limit** 'limit, restrict, restriction', **naruxa** 'violate, break, violation, breach', **nedependena** 'independent', **nepermit** 'forbid, prohibit', **pertene** 'belong (to), pertain (to)', **proteje** 'protect, protection', **puni** 'punish, punishment', **reji** 'govern, rule', **serfenes** 'serfdom' (serfe+nes), **suverennes** 'sovereignty', **surnes** 'safety, security', **teritoria** 'territory', **tortur** 'torture', **trata** 'treat, treatment'. ===== From "I Have a Dream" (part of the Martin Luther King speech) ===== Starting from: "I say to you today, my friends, (...)," and ending at: "(...) sisters and brothers. I have a dream today." Added from this list: **adilnes** 'justice (also as institution), fairness, justness', **bibir** 'lip', **difisil** 'difficult, difficulty (something that's difficult)', **eviden** 'obvious, evident, self-evident' ('self-evident' could also be expressed as **ingi eviden** or **eviden eviden**, if that's considered too weak), **fa real** 'realize, make real, carry out, live out', **fa siro** 'nullify, nullification', **haja** 'owner', **hasidi** 'malicious, vicious' au **kruel** 'cruel, vicious', **hata** 'even (adverb)', **hukum** 'judge, judgment', **imanin** 'creed', **interveka** 'interpose, interposition' (inter+veka), **jar** 'root' ('rooted' might be **gen jar**), **kapa** 'drip, dribble', **karater** 'character', **konfronta** 'face, confront', **kontenin** 'content', **krea** 'create', **malgre to** 'although, (even) though, albeit, notwithstanding (that)', **oasis** 'oasis', **prei** 'former, previous', **rafiki** 'friend', **rasiste** 'racist (person)' (rasa+iste), **sonya** 'dream (verb/noun)', **sufoke** 'suffocate, choke, suffocation', **surejija** 'governor' (su+reji+ja), **trasforme** 'transform, transformation', **xvo** 'speech'. Existed already: **profon** 'deep, profound'. ===== From "Salute, Jonathan!" (Mithridates) ===== In order of appearance: – Added from this list: **verbo** 'verb', **buku deni** 'diary, journal, daybook', **gramatika** 'grammar', **katarui** 'vocabulary, wordlist', **mayu** 'May', **toxi** 'city'. ===== From "Lord's Prayer" (King James Version) ===== Added from this list: **det** 'debt', **jen det** 'debtor', **fa sen** 'hallow, sanctify', **gide** 'lead, guide', **jana** 'heaven, sky', **pan** 'bread', **pardon** 'forgive, pardon', **rajeria** 'kingdom', **tenta** 'tempt, temptation'. ===== From "De Tunkrüper" (W. Wisser) ===== Added from this list: **bi interes** 'care, be interested' (kêhrt), **bugiman** 'bogeyman' (Bumann), **dorso** 'back (noun)' (Rüch), **fabi hafana** 'intimidated' (verschüchtert), **garaje** 'garage (place where cars are stored)' (Wạgenschur), **intasar** 'wait (for), await' (tọ̈f), **kona** 'corner' (Eck), **neste** 'nest' (Neß), **pos** 'after, behind (in time or space)' (nạ), **simba** 'lion' (Löw), **troglodit** 'wren' (Tunkrüper), **xikar** 'scold, rebuke' (Schell'n), **xye tem** 'some time, (a) while' (Titlang). ===== Countries ===== Added from this list: **Andora** 'Andorra', **Argentina** 'Argentina', **Asturie** 'Asturias', **Bolivia** 'Bolivia', **Brasil** 'Brazil', **Cile** 'Chile', **Ekvador** 'Ecuador', **Doicelan** 'Germany', **Galisia** 'Galicia', **Katalunya** 'Catalonia', **Kolombia** 'Colombia', **Korea** 'Korea', **Paragvai** 'Paraguay', **Peru** 'Peru', **Portugal** 'Portugal', **Urugvai** 'Uruguay'. * Bosnia and Herzegovina * Croatia * Cyprus * Latvia * Liechtenstein * Luxembourg * Malta * Moldova * Monaco * Montenegro * North Macedonia * Norway * Romania - Romania * San Marino * Slovenia * United Kingdom * Vatican City ===== Languages ===== Added from this list: **argentini** 'Argentine, Argentinian (adjective)', **asturi** 'Asturian (adjective, language)', **hindi** 'Hindi', **katalan** 'Catalan' (adjective), **papyamentu** 'Papiamentu, Papiamento', **portuges** 'Portuguese (adjective)', **urdu** 'Urdu'. ===== Religions ===== Added from this list: **budisme / iman budi** 'Buddhism', **eskul dau / dauisme** 'Taoism, Daoism (philosophy)', **iman dau / dauisme** 'Taoism, Daoism (religion)', **Islam** 'Islam', **hindisme / iman hindu** 'Hinduism', **hindu** 'Hindu', **jain** 'Jain', **jainisme / iman jain** 'Jainism', **jen budi** 'Buddhist (person)', **jen eskul dau / jen dau** 'Taoist, Daoist (a teacher or follower of Taoist philosophy)', **jen iman dau / jen dau** 'Taoist, Daoist (a teacher or follower of Taoist religion)', **jen mormoni** 'Mormon (believer)', **kristi** 'Christian (adjective)', **kristisme** 'Christianity', **mormonisme** 'Mormonism', **muslim** 'Muslim', **yehudi** 'Jew, Jewish', **yehudisme** 'Judaism'. ===== Others ===== Added from this list: **arkitetin** 'architecture' (arkitet+in), **atom** 'atom', **osean** 'ocean'. * Chemistry * Physics * Geology * Energy * Barley * Oat * Rice * Rye * Wheat * Juice * Mathematics * Information * Encyclopedia * Philosophy * Psychology * Mythology * Catholic Church * Confucianism * Sikhism * Zoroastrianism * Sufism * Yoga * Zen * Civilisation * Geography * Continent * Desert * Oceania * Electronics * Engineering * Farming * Medicine * Atheism * Bahá'í * Esotericism * Paganism * Theology * Sect * Copyright * Economics * Government * Algebra * Anthropology * wisdom * republic * Socialism * literature