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This file is automatically updated once a day, provided the dictionary has been modified since the last update. DON’T try to modify it manually, since all your changes will soon be overwritten! Last update: 2023-03-16.

The whole Lugamun/English dictionary can also be downloaded as a CSV file, allowing convenient import into spreadsheet software such as LibreOffice, Excel, or Google Sheets. Note that the CSV file is unsorted (it’s rather ordered by the date when entries were added), but you can use your spreadsheet program to sort it alphabetically based on the English or Lugamun entries.


  • abat – abbot, abbess (sources: ru, en, es, fr, id, sw)
  • abe – bird (sources: es)
  • abela – bee (sources: es, fr, ru)
  • abentura – adventure (sources: es, en, fr, ja, ru)
  • abiteria – dwelling, residence, habitation (house or place where one lives) (abit+eria)
  • adilnes – justice (also as institution), fairness, justness (adil+nes)
  • adin – addition, additive, addendum, addend, add-on (something that is or can be added) (ada+in)
  • agle – eagle (sources: en, es, fr)
  • ais – ice (sources: en)
  • ajetivo – adjective (sources: en, es, fr, id)
  • ajibalan – wonderland (ajiba+lan)
  • ajibin – wonder, miracle, marvel (something marvelous or astonishing that might seem inexplicable) (ajiba+in)
  • akil – mind (noun) (sources: ar, id, sw)
  • alkol – alcohol (sources: es, fr, en, hi, id, ru)
  • almari – cupboard, closet, cabinet (sources: hi, es, fr, id)
  • aman – peace (sources: hi, ar, id, ja, sw)
  • animal – animal (sources: es, fr, en)
  • ansiosnes – anxiety, worry, concern (ansios+nes)
  • aranya – spider (sources: es, fr)
  • arbol – tree (sources: es, fr)
  • ardi – ground, earth, land (sources: sw, ar, cmn)
  • arkitet – architect (sources: en, es, fr, id, ru)
  • arkitetin – architecture (arkitet+in)
  • arko – arch (sources: es, en, fr, ru)
  • arte – art (sources: en, es, fr, ja)
  • artikle – article (all usual meanings) (sources: fr, en, es, id)
  • aru jen – someone, somebody
  • aru ples – somewhere
  • aru tem – sometime, some time, at some point, at some time
  • aru xos – something
  • asal – origin, source (sources: id, ar, ru, sw)
  • asilu – asylum (sources: en, es, fr, ja)
  • asinte – absinthe (sources: ar, en, es, fr, id, ru, sw)
  • atom – atom (sources: fr, id, ru, en, es, ja, sw)
  • auto – car, automobile, motorcar (sources: es, en, fr, id)
  • avan – cloud (sources: id, ar)
  • baba – father (sources: cmn, sw, ar, fr, hi, id, ja, ru)
  • baca – child (sources: hi, id)
  • bagu – bag (sources: ja, cmn, en, hi)
  • bambu – bamboo (sources: en, es, fr, id, ru)
  • banana – banana (sources: es, ja, en, fr, ru)
  • bandera – flag (sources: es, hi, id, sw)
  • bar – bar, pub, tavern, saloon (sources: ar, en, es, fr, hi, id, ru, ja, sw)
  • barba – beard (sources: es, fr, ru)
  • basa – base, foundation, basis, fundament (sources: ru, ar, en, es, fr, id)
  • bata – duck (bird) (sources: ar, sw, es, hi)
  • bebi – baby, infant (sources: en, ja, es, fr, id)
  • beria – wolf (sources: hi, id)
  • bet – son, daughter, offspring, child (sources: ar, hi)
  • bibir – lip (sources: id, ja)
  • biologia – biology (sources: ru, ar, en, es, fr, id, sw)
  • bir – beer (sources: en, id, ar, es, fr, hi, ja, sw)
  • bisikle – bicycle, bike (sources: en, es, fr, sw)
  • bisu – bead (sources: ja, en, ru)
  • boto – boat (sources: ja, en, es, fr)
  • budisme, iman budi – Buddhism (Buda+isme)
  • bugiman – bogeyman, boogeyman, bogyman, boogieman (sources: ja, en, ru)
  • buja – arm (sources: hi, fr, ru)
  • buku – book (sources: id, ja, en, fr, hi)
  • buku deni – diary, journal, daybook
  • buma – owl (sources: ar, es)
  • bumi – Earth, earth (sources: hi, id)
  • buna – flower (sources: id, cmn, ja, sw)
  • byen – side (sources: cmn, ja)
  • cabi – key (sources: hi, es, ja)
  • cai – tea (sources: hi, ru, ar, cmn, ja, sw)
  • cangin – song (cange+in)
  • capitre – chapter (sources: en, es, fr)
  • cat – roof (sources: hi, ar)
  • cinti – ant (sources: hi)
  • cisu – cheese (sources: ja, cmn, en, sw)
  • cumin – collection, collected item(s) (cuma+in)
  • dagu – chin (sources: id, ja)
  • damiri – conscience (sources: sw, ar, hi)
  • damu – blood (sources: sw, ar, id)
  • dan – egg (sources: cmn)
  • dante – tooth (sources: hi, es, fr, id)
  • dau – dao, tao, The Way (the way of nature, the way to live one’s life, the art or skill of doing something in harmony with the essential nature of the thing), Taoist, Daoist (adjective) N/Adj (sources: cmn, en, ar, id, ru, sw)
  • dehat – country, countryside (rural area) (sources: hi, id)
  • demokrasia – democracy (sources: es, sw, ar, en, fr, id, ru)
  • den – day (sources: ru, en, hi)
  • den can – birthday
  • den laste – yesterday
  • den laste do – day before yesterday
  • den tali – tomorrow
  • den tali do – day after tomorrow
  • derivin – derivative (noun) (derive+in)
  • det – debt (sources: en, fr, es, sw)
  • deva – god, God (sources: id, hi)
  • difisilnes – difficulty (property) (difisil+nes)
  • dimage – brain (sources: ar, hi)
  • dira – hole (sources: ru, hi)
  • distansia – distance (sources: es, ru, en, fr)
  • do kai – twice, two times
  • dola – state (political entity) (sources: sw, ar, ja)
  • dor – door (sources: en, fr, hi, ja)
  • doro – road, street, way, path (sources: ja, ru)
  • doro rel – railway, railroad, track (of a railway), rail track, railway track, railroad track
  • dorso – back (noun) (sources: es, fr)
  • duan – smoke, emit smoke N/V (sources: hi, ar, cmn)
  • dubu – bear (sources: sw, ar)
  • dunya – world, earth (sources: ar, hi, id, sw)
  • efet – effect (sources: en, es, fr, ru)
  • ekonomia – economy (sources: es, ru, en, fr, id)
  • ekor – tail (sources: id, fr)
  • elefan – elephant (sources: fr, en, es)
  • elemen – element (sources: fr, en, es, ru, sw)
  • eni jen – anyone, anybody
  • eni ples – anywhere
  • eni tem – anytime
  • eni xos – anything (in positive sentences)
  • esklave – slave (sources: fr, en, es)
  • esklavenes – slavery, servitude (esklave+nes)
  • eskorpion – scorpion (sources: ru, en, es, fr)
  • eskul – school (also school of thought) (sources: en, hi, es, fr)
  • eskul dau, dauisme – Taoism, Daoism (Chinese philosophy) (dau+isme)
  • espos – spouse, husband, wife (sources: en, es, fr)
  • esposnes – marriage (state, union) (espos+nes)
  • esprit – spirit (sources: en, es, fr)
  • estandar – standard (noun) (sources: es, fr, id, en, ja, ru)
  • estar – star (sources: en, fr, hi)
  • estasion – station (vehicle stop, broadcasting entity) (sources: es, fr, en, id, ru)
  • esti, luga esti – Estonian, Estonian language
  • etiket – label (sources: fr, id, es, ru)
  • familya – family (sources: es, ar, en, fr, id, ru, sw)
  • februar – February (sources: ar, en, es, id, ru, sw)
  • feda – silver (sources: sw, ar, id)
  • felte – felt (material) (sources: en, es, fr, ja, ru)
  • fen – wind (sources: cmn, fr)
  • fer – iron (sources: fr, es)
  • foresta – forest (sources: es, en, fr)
  • forma – shape, form (noun) (sources: es, ru, en, fr)
  • fortun – fortune, good luck N/Intj (sources: fr, cmn, en, es, ja, ru)
  • frente – forehead (sources: es, cmn, fr)
  • fronter – border, frontier, boundary (sources: en, es, fr)
  • ganso – goose (sources: es, hi, id, ja)
  • garaje – garage (place where cars are stored) (sources: ar, fr, ru, en, es, hi, id, ja, sw)
  • garima – dignity (sources: hi, ar, sw)
  • gelje – Irish (language) N/Adj (sources: ga)
  • gera – war (sources: es, fr, id)
  • geste – guest (sources: en, ja, ru)
  • gilari – squirrel (sources: hi, sw)
  • glas – glass (for drinking) (sources: en, hi, ar, id, ja, sw)
  • glisiris – licorice, liquorice (sources: taxo)
  • gramatika – grammar (sources: es, ru, en, fr)
  • gras – grass (sources: en, es, hi, ja)
  • grasa – fat, grease (sources: es, en, fr, hi, sw)
  • gren – grain (seed of grass food crops) (sources: en, fr, es)
  • gvanhva – Mandarin Chinese, Mandarin, Guanhua (sources: cmn, en, ru)
  • gvanhva estandari – Standard Mandarin, Standard Chinese
  • hadafe – target, goal, objective, aim, purpose, object (sources: ar, hi)
  • hain – property (ha+in)
  • haja – owner (ha+ja)
  • haji – shame (sources: ja, ar, hi)
  • haki – right, entitlement (sources: sw, ar, hi, id)
  • haki jen – human right, human rights
  • haki kanun – jurisdiction
  • hasidines – malice (hasidi+nes)
  • hatar – danger (sources: ar, sw)
  • hatora – hammer (sources: hi, en, ja)
  • hava – air (sources: hi, id, ar, sw)
  • hila ardi – earthquake
  • himar – donkey (sources: ar)
  • hindi – Hindi N/Adj (sources: en, hi, id, ru, ar, cmn, es, fr, ja, sw)
  • hindisme, iman hindu – Hinduism (hindu+isme)
  • hindu – Hindu N/Adj (sources: en, hi, id, ar, es, fr, ja, ru, sw)
  • hiran – deer (sources: hi)
  • historia – history (sources: sw, en, es, fr, id, ru)
  • hotel – hotel (sources: en, id, ar, es, fr, hi, ja, ru, sw)
  • hukumja – judge (person) (hukum+ja)
  • hurunes – freedom (huru+nes)
  • hvo – fire (sources: cmn)
  • idea – idea (sources: es, en, fr, id, ja, ru)
  • igvalnes – equality (igval+nes)
  • ikan – fish (sources: id, ja)
  • iman – faith, belief, believe N/V (sources: ar, hi, id, cmn, sw)
  • iman dau, dauisme – Taoism, Daoism (Chinese religion) (dau+isme)
  • imanin – creed (iman+in)
  • ingi kai – often, frequently, a lot
  • inin – shadow, shade (sources: cmn, ja)
  • isla – island (sources: es, en, fr, sw)
  • islam – Islam (sources: ar, en, es, fr, hi, id, ru, cmn, ja, sw)
  • jain – Jain, Jainist N/Adj (sources: ar, en, es, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • jainisme, iman jain – Jainism (jain+isme)
  • jaket – jacket (sources: ar, fr, id, ru, cmn, en, es, hi, ja, sw)
  • jana – heaven, sky (in religious and spiritual settings) (sources: ar, hi, sw)
  • jangal – jungle (sources: hi, ar, en, es, fr, ja)
  • januar – January (sources: en, fr, hi, id, ru, sw)
  • jar – root (sources: hi, ar, id)
  • jara – jar (sources: ar, en, es, ja)
  • jarines – courage (jari+nes)
  • jaru – broom (sources: hi, id)
  • jaxa – greed (sources: ar)
  • jen – human being, man, person, human, -er (person who lives in or comes from a place) N/Adj (sources: cmn, fr, hi, ja)
  • jen afegan – Afghan, Afghani (person)
  • jen afriki – African (person)
  • jen ameriki – American (person living in or coming from the Americas)
  • jen andori – Andorran (person)
  • jen arabi – Arab, Arabian (person)
  • jen argentini – Argentine, Argentinian, Argentinean (person)
  • jen asi – Asian (person)
  • jen asturi – Asturian (person)
  • jen australi – Australian (person)
  • jen balgari – Bulgarian (person)
  • jen barati – Indian (person from India)
  • jen belaruski – Belarusian (person)
  • jen belgi – Belgian (person)
  • jen bolivi – Bolivian (person)
  • jen brasili – Brazilian (person)
  • jen budi – Buddhist (person)
  • jen ceski – Czech (person)
  • jen cili – Chilean (person)
  • jen cipe – Albanian (person)
  • jen daniske – Dane
  • jen det – debtor
  • jen doice – German (person)
  • jen ekvadori – Ecuadorian (person)
  • jen elin – Greek (person)
  • jen emeriki – American, US-American, U.S. American, US American (person)
  • jen eri – Irishman, Irishwoman
  • jen eskul dau, jen dau – Taoist, Daoist (a teacher or follower of Taoist philosophy)
  • jen espani – Spaniard
  • jen esti – Estonian (person)
  • jen europi – European (person)
  • jen fransi – Frenchman, Frenchwoman
  • jen galegu – Galician (person)
  • jen hai – Armenian (person)
  • jen iman dau, jen dau – Taoist, Daoist (a teacher or follower of Taoist religion)
  • jen indonesi – Indonesian (person)
  • jen inglis – Englishman, Englishwoman
  • jen islani – Icelander, Icelandic (person)
  • jen israeli – Israeli (person)
  • jen itali – Italian (person)
  • jen jongvo – Chinese (person)
  • jen kanadi – Canadian (person)
  • jen kartveli – Georgian (person from the country)
  • jen katalan – Catalan (person)
  • jen kolombi – Colombian (person)
  • jen korei – Korean (person)
  • jen korei norte – North Korean (person)
  • jen korei sude – South Korean (person)
  • jen krimi – criminal (person)
  • jen kristi – Christian (person)
  • jen kustodia – custodian, guardian
  • jen lietuvi – Lithuanian (person)
  • jen majar – Hungarian (person)
  • jen mexiki – Mexican (person)
  • jen misri – Egyptian (person)
  • jen mongol – Mongolian (person)
  • jen mormoni – Mormon (believer)
  • jen nederlani – Dutchman, Dutchwoman
  • jen nihon – Japanese (person)
  • jen osteri – Austrian (person)
  • jen paragvai – Paraguayan (person)
  • jen peru – Peruvian (person)
  • jen poliski – Pole (person)
  • jen portuges – Portuguese (person)
  • jen ruski – Russian (person)
  • jen selo – villager
  • jen serbi – Serbian, Serb (person)
  • jen sloveneski – Slovak (person)
  • jen suomi – Finn (person)
  • jen sveniska – Swede
  • jen svitsi – Swiss (person)
  • jen trasi – trans person, transperson
  • jen trasjenisi – transgender, transgender person
  • jen turki – Turk
  • jen ukrayini – Ukrainian (person)
  • jen urugvai – Uruguayan (person)
  • jenis – gender, sex (sources: id, ar, en, sw)
  • jenrui – mankind, humanity (jen+rui)
  • jenu – knee (sources: fr, id)
  • jie – hunger (sources: cmn)
  • jilet – waistcoat, vest (North America), gilet (sources: ru, en, fr, ja)
  • judi – effort, trouble (sources: ar, cmn, sw)
  • jupiden – Thursday (Jupi(ter)+den)
  • jut – jute (sources: ar, en, fr, hi, ru, es, id, ja, sw)
  • kabra – goat (sources: es, id)
  • kaca – glass (substance) (sources: id, hi)
  • kada kai – every time
  • kadal – lizard (sources: id, ar)
  • kai – time, occasion, instance (sources: ja, en, id)
  • kaixi esposnes – wedding, marriage (ceremony, ritual)
  • kamar – room (sources: id, fr, hi)
  • kamar arko – vault (room)
  • kamar klas – classroom, schoolroom
  • kamel – camel (sources: en, ar, es)
  • kamus – dictionary (sources: ar, id, sw)
  • kanda – shoulder (sources: hi, id, ja)
  • kanisa – church (Christian house of worship or religious organization) (sources: ar, sw)
  • kanso – liver (sources: ja, cmn)
  • kanun – law (sources: ar, hi, sw)
  • karater – character (distinguishing features and traits, strength of mind) (sources: en, es, fr, id, ru)
  • karot – carrot (sources: fr, en, sw)
  • karta – map, chart (sources: es, ru, ar, en, fr)
  • kaso – case (situation or event) (sources: es, en, fr, id, sw)
  • kat – cat (sources: en, ar, es, fr, ru)
  • kata – word (sources: id, ar, hi, ja)
  • katarui – vocabulary, wordlist (kata+rui)
  • kau – cow, bull (sources: en)
  • kaus – bow (sources: ar)
  • kaus sora – rainbow
  • ke jen – who, whom, which person
  • ke ples – where
  • ke tem – when, as
  • ke xos – what, which thing
  • kexe – hair (collectively) (sources: hi, ja)
  • kexe yen – eyebrow
  • kexel – hair (a single one) (kexe+el)
  • kexel yen – eyelash
  • kika – brother, sister, sibling (sources: ar, id, sw)
  • kikanes – brotherhood, sisterhood, siblinghood, siblingship (kika+nes)
  • klas – class (all usual meanings) (sources: en, fr, hi, ru, es, id, ja)
  • klube – club (sources: es, id, ru, en, fr, hi, sw)
  • kodoro – path (for pedestrians) (ko+doro)
  • kofi – coffee (sources: en, hi, cmn, es, fr, id, ja, ru)
  • kol – coal (sources: en, hi, ru)
  • kolor – color, colour (sources: es, en, fr, ru)
  • kombineria – junction (place where roads or rails etc. converge) (kombin+eria)
  • komersia – trade, commerce (sources: ru, en, es, fr, ja)
  • komonte – hill (ko+monte)
  • kona – corner (sources: hi, ja, sw, en, es)
  • kontenin – content (something contained – including in a text or such) (kontene+in)
  • kor – heart (sources: fr, es, ja)
  • korbo – crow, raven (sources: fr, en, es)
  • korde – string (also of musical instruments), cord, rope (sources: en, fr, es, hi)
  • korte – court, court of law, tribunal (sources: en, es, ja, sw)
  • korten – curtain (sources: en, es, id, ja, ru)
  • kosta – shore, coast, bank (sources: es, en, fr)
  • kosta lago – lakeshore, shore, bank (of a lake)
  • kosta mar – seashore, seacoast, shore, coast (of the sea)
  • kosta rika – riverbank, bank, shore (of a river)
  • kostitusi – constitution (sources: en, es, fr, id, ru)
  • kostruin – building, edifice, construction (structure) (kostrui+in)
  • kotoke – watch (timepiece) (ko+toke)
  • krim – crime (sources: fr, ar, en, es, ru)
  • kristisme – Christianity (Kristo+isme)
  • kuan – well (hole in the ground) (sources: hi)
  • kubi – neck (sources: ja, fr)
  • kudo – elbow (sources: ar, es, fr, hi)
  • kukut – chicken (sources: hi, sw)
  • kulin – food (kula+in)
  • kulin kat – cat food
  • kulpa – guilt (sources: es, fr)
  • kultur – culture (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • kuni – country, land, state (sources: ja, en)
  • kuriosnes – curiosity (kurios+nes)
  • kuste – bush, shrub (sources: ru, fr)
  • kustodia – custody, guardianship (sources: es, en)
  • kvalita – quality (sources: en, es, fr, id)
  • lago – lake (sources: es, fr, id)
  • latitudo – latitude (sources: sw, en, es, fr, ja)
  • leson – lesson (sources: fr, en, es, ja)
  • leto – summer (sources: ru, fr)
  • liba – fence (sources: cmn)
  • liba kuste – hedge
  • linya – line (sources: en, es, fr, ru)
  • lomri – fox (sources: hi)
  • longitudo – longitude (sources: sw, en, es, fr)
  • luga – language (sources: ar, sw, cmn, es)
  • luna – moon (sources: es, ru, en, fr)
  • lunaden – Monday (luna+den)
  • mabaca – boy (ma+baca)
  • mabat – abbot (male) (ma+abat)
  • mabet – son (ma+bet)
  • madu – honey (sources: hi, id, ar)
  • maespos – husband (ma+espos)
  • mais – maize, corn (sources: en, es, fr, hi, ru)
  • makau – bull (ma+kau)
  • makika – brother (ma+kika)
  • malbas – garment, piece of clothing, item of clothing (sources: ar)
  • malo kai – seldom, rarely, infrequently
  • mama – mother (sources: cmn, ja, ru, sw, hi)
  • man, majen – man (ma+jen) (sources: en, hi)
  • manera – way, manner, mode (sources: es, ru, cmn, en, fr, hi, id, sw)
  • mano – hand (sources: es, en, fr, sw)
  • manse – meat, flesh (sources: hi, fr)
  • manto – cloak, mantle (sources: es, fr, ja, ru, en, id)
  • mar – sea (sources: es, ar, fr, ru)
  • maraji – king (ma+raji)
  • marda – disease, illness, sickness (sources: ar, fr, hi, sw)
  • margarita – daisy (sources: es, fr, ru)
  • marmelade – jam, marmalade (sources: fr, id, ar, en, es, ru)
  • marseden – Tuesday (Marse+den)
  • mat – mat (sources: en, ru, fr, ja)
  • mat glas – coaster, drink coaster, beermat, beer mat
  • maus – mouse (sources: en, ja)
  • maxin – machine (sources: fr, hi, ja, ar, en, es, id, ru, sw)
  • mayu – May (sources: ar, en, es, fr, hi, ru)
  • memba – member (sources: en, es, fr, ja)
  • memori – memory (sources: id, en, es, fr)
  • mentega – butter (sources: id, es)
  • merkurden – Wednesday (Merkur(i)+den)
  • mes – month (sources: es, fr, hi, ru, sw)
  • mesa – table (sources: es, sw, hi, id)
  • mila – mile (sources: ru, ar, en, es, fr, hi, id, sw)
  • milke – milk (sources: en, ja, ru)
  • minut – minute (unit of time or angular measure) (sources: fr, en, es, hi, id, ru)
  • mira – mirror (sources: ar, en, fr, hi)
  • misal – example, sample, instance, specimen (sources: hi, id, ar)
  • mismar – nail, spike, peg (sources: ar, sw)
  • mivani – spectacles, glasses, eyeglasses (sources: sw, ja)
  • momente – moment, instant (sources: en, ru, es, fr)
  • monte – mountain (sources: es, en, fr)
  • mormonisme – Mormonism (Mormon+isme)
  • mujisa – miracle (supernatural event) (sources: ar, sw, id)
  • muka – face (sources: id, hi, ja)
  • mun – mouth (sources: hi)
  • mur – wall (sources: fr, ar, es)
  • muslim – Muslim N/Adj (sources: ar, hi, id, cmn, en, es, fr, ja, ru, sw)
  • muxa – fly (insect) (sources: fr, ru)
  • naifu – knife (sources: ja, en)
  • nait – night (sources: en, ar, hi)
  • nam – name (sources: hi, en, fr, id, ja)
  • naranje – orange (fruit, tree) (sources: ar, en, es, fr, hi)
  • nasion – nation (sources: es, fr, en, ru)
  • nasionnes – nationality (nasion+nes)
  • natur – nature (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • neste – nest (sources: en, ja)
  • nihon, luga nihon – Japanese, Japanese language (=nihon)
  • niraxenes – disappointment (niraxe+nes)
  • no jen – no one, nobody, anyone, anybody (in negated sentences)
  • no ples – nowhere, anywhere (in negated sentences)
  • no tem – never
  • no xos – nothing, anything (in negated sentences)
  • nomin – drink, beverage (nomu+in)
  • norte – north, northern N/Adj (sources: en, es, fr, ru)
  • nos – nose (sources: en, ru)
  • nuabat – abbess (nu+abat)
  • nubaca – girl (nu+baca)
  • nubet – daughter (nu+bet)
  • nuespos – wife (nu+espos)
  • nujen – woman, girl, female person (regardless of age) (nu+jen)
  • nukau – cow (female) (nu+kau)
  • nukika – sister (nu+kika)
  • nuraji – queen (nu+raji)
  • nuru – light (noun) (sources: sw, ar)
  • nyamu – mosquito (sources: id, ar)
  • nyen – year (sources: cmn, ja)
  • nyen laste – last year
  • oasis – oasis (sources: es, ru, en, fr, ja, sw)
  • obyet – object (sources: en, es, fr, id, ru)
  • ol jen – everyone, everybody
  • ol ples – everywhere
  • ol tem – always
  • ol xos – everything
  • ona – woman (sources: ja, hi)
  • onor – honor, honour (noun) (sources: es, fr, en, ru)
  • onyon – onion (sources: fr, cmn, en)
  • ore – ear (sources: fr, es)
  • oro – gold (sources: es, fr, ja)
  • osean – ocean (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • oste – east, eastern N/Adj (sources: ru, en, es, fr)
  • oton – autumn, fall (sources: en, es, fr, ru)
  • otra jen – someone else, another person
  • otra ples – somewhere else, elsewhere, away
  • ovis – sheep (sources: taxo, ru)
  • paja – thigh (sources: sw, id, ru)
  • pan – bread (sources: es, ja, fr, hi)
  • pana – arrow (sources: id, hi)
  • papyamentu – Papiamentu, Papiamento (sources: pap, ar, cmn, en, es, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • pas – step, pace (sources: en, es, fr, hi)
  • pati – leaf (sources: hi, sw)
  • pento – paint (substance) (sources: ja, en, fr, hi)
  • person – person (individual, grammatical category) (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • pica – picture (sources: sw, en)
  • pifu – skin (sources: cmn, es, fr, ja)
  • plafon – ceiling (sources: fr, id)
  • plafon arko – vault (ceiling)
  • plante – plant (sources: en, fr, es)
  • ples – place (sources: en, fr)
  • plesir – pleasure (sources: fr, en, es)
  • poket – pocket (sources: en, ja)
  • politi – politics, policy (sources: id, en, es, fr, hi, ja, ru)
  • ponte – bridge (sources: es, fr)
  • prehukum – prejudice, bias, be prejudiced (in regard to), judge without properly taking the facts into account N/V (pre+hukum)
  • pribatnes – privacy (pribat+nes)
  • prinsipe – principle (sources: fr, id, ru, en, es)
  • projet – project (sources: en, es, fr, id, ja, ru)
  • publika – public, audience (sources: ru, en, es, fr)
  • pyas – thirst (sources: hi)
  • pye – foot (sources: es, fr)
  • rabit – rabbit (sources: en)
  • rafiki – friend (sources: sw, ar)
  • rafu – shelf (sources: sw, ar, id)
  • rajeria – kingdom (raji+eria)
  • raji – king, queen, monarch (sources: fr, hi, id)
  • rake – ash (sources: hi)
  • ramarama – butterfly (sources: id, ar)
  • rana – frog (sources: es, id)
  • rasa – race (of animals or people) (sources: es, ru, en, fr, id)
  • rasisme – racism (rasa+isme)
  • rasiste – racist (person) (rasa+iste)
  • rason – reason (rational thinking) (sources: es, en, fr, ru)
  • rejija – ruler (reji+ja)
  • rel – rail (sources: en, hi, id, es, fr, ja, ru, sw)
  • relasi – relationship, relation (sources: id, en, es, fr)
  • religia – religion (sources: en, es, fr, ru)
  • remedi – remedy (sources: en, id, es, fr)
  • ren – rain N/V (sources: en, hi)
  • reputasi – reputation (sources: id, en, es, fr, ru)
  • rika – river (sources: en, es, ru)
  • ritual – ritual, rite, observance (of rituals/rites) (sources: id, ru, en, es, fr)
  • roda – wheel (sources: id, es, fr)
  • roka – stone, rock (both the substance and big pieces of it), boulder (sources: es, en, fr, hi)
  • rosa – rose (sources: es, ru, en, fr)
  • ruma – house, home (sources: id, ja, sw)
  • sabun – soap (sources: ar, hi, id, es, fr, ja, sw)
  • safirja – traveller, traveler (safir+ja)
  • sahines – truth (property) (sahi+nes)
  • sama tem – at the same time, simultaneously, at once (at the same time)
  • san – Mr., Mrs, Mrs., Mr, Miss, mister (sources: ja)
  • sande – sand (sources: en, fr, ja)
  • saturden – Saturday (Satur(ne)+den)
  • saut – voice, sound (sources: ar, en, sw)
  • sehat – health (sources: hi, ar, id)
  • sekunde – second (unit of time or angular measure) (sources: sw, en, es, fr, hi, id, ru)
  • sel – salt (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • selo – village (sources: ru, cmn, es)
  • seman – week (sources: es, fr, id)
  • semya – seed (sources: ru, es)
  • sentensi – sentence (sources: sw, en)
  • sentre – center, centre (sources: fr, ru, en, es, hi, ja)
  • sereal – cereal (type of grass and its grains), grain (sources: es, fr, id, en)
  • serfe – serf (sources: en, fr, es)
  • serfenes – serfdom (serfe+nes)
  • serondaje – surroundings (seronde+aje)
  • serpen – snake, serpent (sources: fr, en, es, hi)
  • si den – today
  • si ples – here
  • si tem – now
  • sidian – stairs, stair, staircase, stairway (sources: hi)
  • sidianel – step, stair (sidian+el)
  • siense – science (sources: fr, en, es, ja)
  • silensio – silence (sources: es, en, fr)
  • sima – top (sources: es, ar, fr)
  • simba – lion (sources: sw, id)
  • situasi – situation, status, state of affairs, shape (sources: id, en, es, fr, ru)
  • slave – Slav (sources: en, fr, hi, ar, es, sw)
  • sol – sun (sources: es, fr, ru)
  • solden – Sunday (sol+den)
  • sora – sky, heaven (sources: ja, ar)
  • sore – evening (sources: id, fr, ja)
  • sosiete – society (sources: fr, en, es)
  • soya – soybean, soy, soy bean, soya, soya bean (sources: ru, sw, ar, en, es, fr, hi)
  • suar – pig (sources: hi)
  • suba – morning (sources: hi, ar)
  • sude – south, southern N/Adj (sources: es, fr, ru)
  • sukar – sugar (sources: ar, en, es, fr, hi, id, ru, sw)
  • sulta – power (sources: ar, hi, ru)
  • suomi, luga suomi – Finnish, Finnish language
  • supun – spoon (sources: ja, en, id)
  • surejija – governor (su+rejija)
  • surnes – safety, security (sur+nes)
  • suses – success (sources: id, en, fr)
  • suverennes – sovereignty (suveren+nes)
  • ta ples – there, over there
  • ta tem – then, at that time
  • tabako – tobacco (sources: es, ja, ar, en, fr, hi, id, ru, sw)
  • talju – snow N/V (sources: ar, id, sw)
  • tam – taste, flavor, flavour (sources: ar)
  • taraxin – airplane, aeroplane (tara+xin)
  • tarit – lightning (flash of) (sources: hi)
  • tem – time (sources: fr, en, es, hi)
  • tenko – weather (sources: ja, cmn, es)
  • teritoria – territory (sources: ru, en, es, fr)
  • terki – turkey (sources: en, ja)
  • tigre – tiger (sources: es, fr, ru, ar, en, hi)
  • tipe – type, sort, kind (sources: fr, ru, en, es)
  • tobu – head (sources: cmn, ja)
  • tofa – apple (sources: sw, ar)
  • toke – clock, watch, timepiece (sources: ja)
  • topi – hat (sources: hi, id, ja)
  • toxi – city (sources: ja, cmn)
  • tradisi – tradition (sources: id, en, es, fr, ru, sw)
  • trasman – trans man (tras+man)
  • trasona – trans woman (tras+ona)
  • tren – train (series of connected vehicles) (sources: en, es, fr, hi, ja, sw)
  • troglodit – wren (sources: taxo)
  • tunel – tunnel (sources: es, fr, ru, en, ja)
  • tvi – leg (sources: cmn)
  • uma – horse (sources: ja, cmn, id)
  • umri – age (sources: sw, ar, hi, id)
  • un kai – once, one time
  • ungli – finger (sources: hi)
  • universo – universe (sources: en, es, fr)
  • urdu – Urdu N/Adj (sources: ar, es, fr, hi, id, ru, cmn, en, ja, sw)
  • vadi – valley (sources: ar, en, hi, ja)
  • valor – value, worth (sources: fr, en, es)
  • vata – water (sources: en, hi, ru)
  • venusden – Friday (Venus+den)
  • verbo – verb (sources: en, es, fr, id)
  • veste – west, western N/Adj (sources: en, fr, es, ru)
  • vindo – window (sources: en, ja, cmn)
  • vino – wine (sources: ru, en, es, fr, sw)
  • vinta – winter (sources: en, ar)
  • viola – violet (flower) (sources: taxo, cmn, en, es, ru)
  • xamba – field (also area of study and as used in physics, sports and warfare) (sources: sw, fr)
  • xen – chain (sources: fr, cmn, en, ja)
  • xirami – louse (sources: ja, cmn)
  • xita – tongue (sources: ja, cmn, id)
  • xiti – corpse (sources: cmn, ja, sw)
  • xos – thing, object (sources: fr, es)
  • xvan – dog (sources: hi, cmn, es, fr)
  • xvasin – choice, selection (something that can be or was chosen/selected) (xvasi+in)
  • xye kai – sometimes, at times, now and then, occasionally, from time to time, once in a while
  • xye ples – here and there (in or to various places)
  • xye tem – some time, (a) while
  • yehudi – Jew, Jewish N/Adj (sources: he, ar, es, hi, id, ru, sw)
  • yehudisme – Judaism (yehudi+isme)
  • yen – eye (sources: cmn, hi)
  • yo jen – people
  • yo kau – cattle
  • yo malbas – clothing, clothes, apparel
  • yujen – youth, child (a child or young adult) (yu+jen)
  • yukau – calf (yu+kau)
  • yuma – foal (yu+uma)
  • yuman – youth, young man, boy (mostly used for teenagers and young adults) (yu+man)
  • yuona – young woman, girl (mostly used for teenagers and young adults) (yu+ona)
  • yusuar – piglet (yu+suar)

Proper nouns

  • Afeganistan – Afghanistan (afegan+istan)
  • Afrika – Africa (sources: en, es, hi, id, ru, sw, ar, fr, ja)
  • Amasonas – Amazon (river) (sources: es, pt, sw, en, fr, hi, id, ja, ru)
  • Amerika, yo Amerika – Americas (the), America (North and South America together) (sources: es, hi, id, ru, sw, ar, cmn, en, fr, ja)
  • Andora – Andorra (sources: ca, en, es, hi, id, ja, ru, sw, ar, fr)
  • Antartika – Antarctica (sources: id, ar, en, es, fr, hi, ru, sw)
  • Argentina – Argentina (sources: id, ru, sw, ar, cmn, en, es, fr, hi, ja)
  • Asia – Asia (sources: ar, es, id, ru, sw, en, fr, hi, ja)
  • Asturie – Asturias (sources: ar, ast, cmn, en, es, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • Australya – Australia (sources: es, ar, cmn, en, fr, hi, id, ru, sw)
  • Balgaria – Bulgaria (sources: ar, bg, cmn, en, es, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • Barat – India (sources: hi)
  • Belarus – Belarus (sources: be, es, hi, id, ru, ar, en, fr, ja, sw)
  • Belgie – Belgium (sources: nl, ar, en, es, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • Bolivia – Bolivia (sources: hi, id, ru, sw, ar, cmn, en, es, fr, ja)
  • Brasil – Brazil (sources: es, hi, id, pt, ar, cmn, en, fr, ja, ru, sw)
  • Buda – Buddha (title of Siddhārtha Gautama, sometimes also used for other enlightened persons) (sources: ar, en, es, fr, ja, ru, sw, cmn, hi, id)
  • Cesko – Czechia, Czech Republic (sources: cs, fr, id, ja)
  • Cile – Chile (sources: en, es, sw, ar, cmn, fr, hi, id, ja, ru)
  • Ciperia – Albania (cipe+eria)
  • Danmarke – Denmark (sources: ar, cmn, da, en, es, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • Doicelan – Germany (doice+lan)
  • Ekvador – Ecuador (sources: ar, es, hi, cmn, en, fr, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • Elada – Greece (sources: el, ru)
  • Emerika – USA, America, United States, U.S., US (sources: en, ar, hi, ja, ru)
  • Ere – Ireland (island, country) (sources: ga)
  • Espanya – Spain (sources: es, ar, cmn, en, fr, hi, id, ru, sw)
  • Esti – Estonia (sources: et, en, es, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • Europa – Europe (sources: ar, en, es, fr, hi, id, ja, ru)
  • Franse – France (sources: en, fr, hi, ar, es, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • Galisia – Galicia (region of Spain and former kingdom) (sources: es, gl, id, ru, ar, cmn, en, fr, hi, ja, sw)
  • Haiastan – Armenia (hai+astan)
  • Indonesia – Indonesia (sources: es, id, ru, sw, ar, cmn, en, fr, hi, ja)
  • Inglan – England (sources: cmn, en, es, hi, id, ja, ru)
  • Islan – Iceland (sources: ar, en, es, fr, id, is, ru, sw)
  • Israel – Israel (sources: es, fr, he, id, ru, ar, en, hi, ja, sw)
  • Italya – Italy (sources: es, it, ar, cmn, en, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • Jongvo – China (sources: cmn)
  • Jupiter – Jupiter (planet, god) (sources: id, sw, ar, cmn, en, es, fr, ja, ru)
  • Kanada – Canada (sources: ar, es, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw, cmn, en)
  • Katalunya – Catalonia (sources: ar, ca, es, cmn, en, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • Kolombia – Colombia (sources: ar, id, sw, en, es, fr, hi, ja, ru)
  • Korea – Korea (sources: es, id, sw, ar, en, fr, hi, ja, ru)
  • Korea Norte – North Korea
  • Korea Sude – South Korea
  • Krismas, Can Kristo – Christmas (sources: hi, en, ja, sw)
  • Kristo – Christ (title of Jesus) (sources: es, sw, en, fr, hi, id, ja, ru)
  • Lietuva – Lithuania (sources: lt, ar, es, hi, id, ru, sw)
  • Majarorsa – Hungary (sources: ar, hu)
  • Marse – Mars (planet, god) (sources: en, hi, id, ru, ar, es, fr, ja)
  • Merkuri – Mercury (planet, god) (sources: ru, ar, en, es, fr, hi, id, ja)
  • Mexiko – Mexico (sources: ar, cmn, en, es, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • Misre – Egypt (sources: ar, hi, sw)
  • Mongollan – Mongolia (mongol+lan)
  • Mormon – Mormon (prophet) (sources: es, fr, id, ru, ar, cmn, en, hi, ja, sw)
  • Nederlan – Netherlands (sources: cmn, en, hi, ja, nl, ru)
  • Nihon – Japan (sources: ja)
  • Osterai – Austria (sources: de, en, hi, ja)
  • Paragvai – Paraguay (sources: es, ar, cmn, en, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • Paska – Easter (sources: id, es, fr, ru, sw)
  • Peru – Peru (sources: en, es, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw, ar)
  • Poliska – Poland (sources: es, id, pl, ru)
  • Portugal – Portugal (sources: es, fr, id, ar, en, hi, ja, pt, ru)
  • Rusia – Russia (sources: ar, es, id, en, fr, hi, ja, ru, sw)
  • Sakartvelo – Georgia (country) (sources: ka)
  • Saturne – Saturn (planet, god) (sources: ar, fr, ru, en, es, id, ja)
  • Serbia – Serbia (sources: en, id, ru, sr, sw, ar, es, fr, hi, ja)
  • Slovenesko – Slovakia (sources: sk, fr)
  • Suomi – Finland (sources: fi)
  • Sverie – Sweden (sources: en, es, id, sv)
  • Svitse – Switzerland (sources: ar, en, es, fr, hi, id, it, ja, sw)
  • Turkie – Turkey (sources: ar, cmn, en, es, fr, hi, id, ru, sw, tr)
  • Ukrayina – Ukraine (sources: uk, ar, en, es, fr, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • Urugvai – Uruguay (sources: es, ar, en, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • Venus – Venus (planet, goddess) (sources: ar, cmn, en, es, fr, id, ja, sw)
  • Vikipedia – Wikipedia (sources: es, fr, id, ja, ru, sw, ar, en, hi)
  • Yesu, Yesu Kristo – Jesus, Jesus Christ (sources: cmn, sw, ar, en, es, fr, hi, id, ja)
  • Yo Dola Fabi Un de Amerika – United States of America


  • abribi – open, opened (abri+bi)
  • adil – just, fair, equitable, impartial (sources: ar, id, sw)
  • afegan – Afghan, Afghani (adjective) (sources: en, fa, fr, ar, es, hi, id, ps, ru, sw)
  • afriki – African (adjective) (Afrika+i)
  • ajetivi – adjectival (ajetivo+i)
  • alkoli – drunk (alkol+i)
  • amabi – dear, beloved, loved (ama+bi)
  • amaval – lovely (ama+val)
  • ameriki – American (related to the Americas) (Amerika+i)
  • amkali – awake (amka+li)
  • anda – blind (sources: hi, ar)
  • andera – dark (sources: hi)
  • andori – Andorran (adjective) (Andora+i)
  • ansios – anxious, worried, troubled (sources: fr, en, es)
  • arabi – Arabic, Arab, Arabian (adjective, language) (sources: ar, cmn, en, es, fr, hi, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • arbitrer – arbitrary (sources: fr, en, es)
  • argentini – Argentine, Argentinian, Argentinean (adjective) (Argentina+i)
  • arogan – arrogant (sources: fr, cmn, en, es)
  • asam – deaf (sources: ar)
  • asan – easy (sources: hi, ar, id)
  • asi – Asian (adjective) (Asia+i)
  • asturi – Asturian (adjective, language) Adj/N (Asturie+i)
  • atomi – atomic (atom+i)
  • australi – Australian (adjective) (Australya+i)
  • automati – automatic (sources: id, en, es, fr, ru, sw)
  • autonom – autonomous, self-governing (sources: en, es, fr, id, ru)
  • avani – cloudy (avan+i)
  • bahil – stingy, miserly, parsimonious, penurious (sources: ar, sw)
  • bai – white (sources: cmn, ar, en)
  • balgari – Bulgarian (adjective, language) Adj/N (Balgaria+i)
  • barati – Indian (related to India) (Barat+i)
  • baridi – cold (sources: sw, ar, hi)
  • basi – fundamental, basic (basa+i)
  • bati – slow (sources: ar)
  • baugvobi – wrapped (baugvo+bi)
  • baya – evil Adj/N (sources: sw, es, hi)
  • belaruski – Belarusian (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: be, ar, en, es, fr, hi, ja, ru, sw)
  • belgi – Belgian (adjective) (Belgie+i)
  • berat – heavy (sources: id, hi)
  • bina haji – shameless
  • bina prehukum, neprehukumi – unbiased, impartial, without prejudice, without prejudices (ne+prehukumi)
  • biologi – biological (biologia+i)
  • bisi – busy (sources: en, sw)
  • blu – blue (sources: en, sw, fr, id)
  • bolivi – Bolivian (adjective) (Bolivia+i)
  • bota, bina kexe – bald, hairless (sources: id, en)
  • brasili – Brazilian (adjective) (Brasil+i)
  • budi – Buddhist (adjective) (Buda+i)
  • buni – brown (sources: ar, fr, hi, ru)
  • bura – bad (sources: hi, cmn, id, sw)
  • ceski – Czech (adjective, language) Adj/N (Cesko+i)
  • cili – Chilean (adjective) (Cile+i)
  • cipe – Albanian (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: sq)
  • cisjenisi – cisgender (cis+jenis+i)
  • comana – burning (coma+na)
  • daki – clever, smart, intelligent, bright (sources: ar)
  • daniske – Danish (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: ar, da, en, es, fr, ru)
  • dankal – shallow, superficial (sources: id, ar)
  • de eskul dau – Taoist, Daoist (related to Taoist philosophy)
  • de haki kanun – jurisdictional
  • de iman dau – Taoist, Daoist (related to Taoist religion)
  • debil – weak, feeble (sources: es, fr, hi)
  • demokrasi – democratic (demokrasia+i)
  • deni – daily (happening every day or once a day) (den+i)
  • dense – dense (sources: en, fr, es)
  • dependena – dependent (depende+na)
  • derivebi – derived, derivative (derive+bi)
  • desnari – decimal (des+nari)
  • dessisnari – hexadecimal (des sis+nari)
  • diferna – different (difer+na)
  • difisil – difficult, difficulty (something that’s difficult) Adj/N (sources: es, fr, en)
  • distansi – far, distant (distansia+i)
  • doice – German (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: de, ja)
  • donari – binary (do+nari)
  • dulse – sweet (sources: es, fr)
  • duni – global, worldwide (dunya+i)
  • efeti – effective (efet+i)
  • ekonomi – economic (ekonomia+i)
  • ekvadori – Ecuadorian (adjective) (Ekvador+i)
  • elin – Greek (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: el)
  • emeriki – American, US-American, U.S. American, US American, U.S., US (adjective) (Emerika+i)
  • epe – thick, fat (sources: fr, es, sw)
  • erana – erroneous, mistaken (era+na)
  • eri – Irish (related to the island or country) (Ere+i)
  • esata – exact, precise (sources: es, fr)
  • espani – Spanish (adjective, language) Adj/N (Espanya+i)
  • espesial – special (sources: es, fr, en, ru)
  • estandari – standard (adjective) (estandar+i)
  • esti – Estonian (adjective) (=Esti)
  • estrani – strange, weird, funny, odd (sources: ru, en, es, fr)
  • europi – European (adjective) (Europa+i)
  • eviden – obvious, evident, self-evident (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • fabi – made (fa+bi)
  • fabi hafana – intimidated
  • fabi un – united
  • fahur – proud (sources: ar, sw)
  • false, nesahi – wrong, false, incorrect (ne+sahi) (sources: en, es)
  • femin – female, feminine (sources: en, es, fr, id)
  • feni – windy (fen+i)
  • fidel – loyal, faithful (sources: fr, en, es)
  • fina – thin, fine (sources: es, en, fr)
  • fini – final, last, ultimate (fin+i)
  • finli – over (also radio interjection), finished Adj/Intj (fin+li)
  • forin – foreign (sources: en, es)
  • fortuni – lucky, fortunate (fortun+i)
  • fransi – French (adjective, language) Adj/N (Franse+i)
  • galegu – Galician (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: gl, es)
  • gali – expensive, dear (sources: ar, sw)
  • garam – hot, warm (sources: hi, ru)
  • gau – high, tall (sources: cmn)
  • gen prehukum, prehukumi – prejudiced, biased, partial (prehukum+i)
  • gen pye nagoi – barefoot
  • glupi – stupid, foolish (sources: ru, en)
  • gran – big, large, great (sources: es, fr)
  • grasi – fat, corpulent (grasa+i)
  • gratis – free of charge, gratis, free (sources: en, es, id, fr)
  • gri – gray (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • hadir – cautious, careful (sources: ar, sw)
  • hafana – afraid, scared, frightened (hafa+na)
  • hafaval – scary, frightening, fearful (hafa+val)
  • hai – Armenian (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: hy)
  • hakim – wise (sources: ar)
  • halka – light (not heavy) (sources: hi)
  • hamil – pregnant (sources: ar, id)
  • han – Han, Han Chinese, Chinese (group of languages, writing system) Adj/N (sources: ar, cmn, en, hi, ru, sw, es, fr, id, ja)
  • hapi – happy (sources: en, ar)
  • hara – green (sources: hi, ar)
  • hasidi – malicious, vicious (sources: sw, ar)
  • hatari – dangerous (hatar+i)
  • hau – good, well (interjection) Adj/Intj (sources: cmn)
  • hiroi – wide (sources: ja, ru)
  • histori – historical (historia+i)
  • horisontal – horizontal (sources: id, en, es, fr, ru)
  • huru – free (sources: sw, ar)
  • igval – equal (sources: es, en, fr)
  • inda – beautiful, very pretty (sources: id, es, hi)
  • indonesi – Indonesian (adjective, language) Adj/N (Indonesia+i)
  • inglis – English (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: ar, en, es, hi, id, ru)
  • interesna – interesting (interes+na)
  • internasioni – international (inter+nasioni)
  • islami – Islamic, Muslim (islam+i)
  • islani – Icelandic (adjective, language) Adj/N (Islan+i)
  • israeli – Israeli (adjective) (Israel+i)
  • itali – Italian (adjective, language) Adj/N (Italya+i)
  • ixina – alive, living (ixi+na)
  • jari – brave, valiant, courageous (sources: ar, ru, sw)
  • javabible – responsible, answerable (javabe+ible)
  • jaxi – greedy (jaxa+i)
  • jele – ugly (sources: id, fr)
  • jeni – humane (jen+i)
  • jenti – kind, gentle, nice (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • ji – hungry (jie+i)
  • jixina – aware, conscious (of something), knowing, have realized, have realised (after ‘xi’ or in a verbal position) (jixi+na)
  • jongvo – Chinese (referring to the country/region or its inhabitants) (=Jongvo)
  • kadim – old (not new) (sources: ar)
  • kadim kadim, ingi kadim – ancient, very old
  • kala – black (sources: hi)
  • kali – empty (sources: hi)
  • kanadi – Canadian (adjective) (Kanada+i)
  • kara – hard (sources: hi, en, id, ja)
  • karibe – near, close, nearby (adjective) (sources: ar, hi)
  • kartveli – Georgian (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: ka)
  • karva – bitter (sources: hi)
  • kaslan – lazy (sources: ar, cmn, id)
  • katalan – Catalan (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: es, fr, hi, ar, ca, en, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • kavi – strong, hefty, heavy (of great force, power, or intensity) (sources: ar)
  • kiri – left (not right) (sources: id, ja)
  • kobaridi – cool (ko+baridi)
  • kogaram – warm (ko+garam)
  • kolombi – Colombian (adjective) (Kolombia+i)
  • kompeten – competent (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • komplet – complete, full (sources: fr, id, en, es)
  • komun – common (sources: es, fr, en)
  • korei – Korean (adjective, language) Adj/N (Korea+i)
  • korei norte – North Korean (adjective)
  • korei sude – South Korean (adjective)
  • korta – short (sources: es, en, hi)
  • kosilensi – quiet (ko+silensi)
  • koxime – humid, damp (ko+xime)
  • koyinda – pretty (ko+inda)
  • krimi – criminal (adjective) (krim+i)
  • kristi – Christian (adjective) (Kristo+i)
  • kruda – raw, crude (sources: es, en, fr)
  • kruel – cruel, vicious (sources: en, es, fr)
  • kulpi – guilty, culpable (kulpa+i)
  • kulturi – cultural (kultur+i)
  • kurios – curious (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • kusarli – rotten, spoilt, spoiled, decayed, gone bad (kusar+li)
  • kvaliti – fine, high-quality (kvalita+i)
  • lain – soft (sources: ar, sw)
  • lal – red (sources: hi)
  • langra – lame (sources: hi)
  • laste – last (sources: en, id)
  • latin – Latin (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: en, es, fr, hi, id, ru, ar, cmn, ja, la, sw)
  • lela – tired (sources: id, cmn)
  • lietuvi – Lithuanian (adjective, language) Adj/N (Lietuva+i)
  • lon – long (sources: en, fr)
  • lugamun – Lugamun Adj/N
  • lugi – linguistic (relating to language) (luga+i)
  • majar – Hungarian (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: ar, hu)
  • majunun – crazy, mad, insane (sources: ar, sw)
  • mal – male, masculine (sources: fr, en, es, hi)
  • mali – small, little (sources: ru, en)
  • mara – angry (sources: id, hi)
  • mardi – ill, sick (marda+i)
  • mas hau – better
  • matiga – mortal (mati+ga)
  • matili – dead (mati+li)
  • matur – ripe, mature (sources: fr, en, es)
  • maxuhur – famous (sources: ar, hi, sw)
  • mexiki – Mexican (adjective) (Mexiko+i)
  • mirible – visible (miru+ible)
  • misali – exemplary (characteristic of examples, making a good example) (misal+i)
  • miskin – poor (sources: ar, id, sw)
  • misri – Egyptian (adjective) (Misre+i)
  • mongol – Mongolian (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: es, fr, mn, ar, en, hi, ja, ru, sw)
  • mormoni – Mormon (adjective) (Mormon+i)
  • muhim – important (sources: ar, sw)
  • mumkin – possible (sources: ar, hi, id)
  • musin – old (not young) (sources: ar)
  • mut – mute (sources: en, es, fr, hi)
  • nagoi – naked, nude (sources: ru, hi)
  • naranjori – orange (color) Adj/N (naranje+ori)
  • nasioni – national (nasion+i)
  • naturi – natural (natur+i)
  • naya – new, fresh (sources: hi, en, sw)
  • nedependena – independent (ne+dependena)
  • nederlani – Dutch (adjective, language) Adj/N (Nederlan+i)
  • nedonari – non-binary (ne+donari)
  • nejeni – inhuman, inhumane (ne+jeni)
  • neji – full (satisfied in relation to eating, having a full stomach) (ne+ji)
  • nekulpi, bina kulpa – innocent, not guilty, guiltless (ne+kulpi)
  • nemirible – invisible (ne+mirible)
  • nemumkin – impossible (ne+mumkin)
  • neordiner – extraordinary, unusual, uncommon (ne+ordiner)
  • nica – low, short (in height) (sources: hi)
  • nidebi – necessary, needed, required (nide+bi)
  • nihon – Japanese (adjective) (=Nihon)
  • niraxe – disappointed (sources: hi)
  • notaval – remarkable, notable (nota+val)
  • nukila – sharp (sources: hi, cmn)
  • nulisbi – written (nulis+bi)
  • nuri – bright, light (nuru+i)
  • oke – OK, okay, all right, well Adj/Intj (sources: en, es, fr, hi, ja, ar, id, ru)
  • oneste – honest (sources: en, es, fr)
  • oportun – opportune, opportunity Adj/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • ordiner – ordinary, usual, normal, common (sources: fr, en, es)
  • osteri – Austrian (adjective) (Osterai+i)
  • ostine – stubborn, obstinate (sources: en, es, fr)
  • paragvai – Paraguayan (adjective) (=Paragvai)
  • penu – full (sources: id, es, fr)
  • peru – Peruvian (adjective) (=Peru)
  • pinhva – smooth (sources: cmn)
  • pla – flat (sources: fr, en, es)
  • plesiri – pleasant, nice, agreeable, enjoyable (plesir+i)
  • poliski – Polish Adj/N (Poliska+i)
  • politil – political (politi+l)
  • portuges – Portuguese (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: es, fr, pt, en, id, ru)
  • posvan – late (after the expected time) (pos+van)
  • prei – former, previous (pre+i)
  • pribat – private (sources: en, es, fr, id, ru)
  • probable – probable, likely (sources: es, fr, en)
  • profon – deep, profound (sources: fr, en, es)
  • publiki – public (adjective) (publika+i)
  • pyasi – thirsty (pyas+i)
  • rahis – cheap (sources: ar, sw)
  • rajil – royal (raji+l)
  • rani – early (adjective) (sources: ru, id)
  • rar – rare (sources: fr, en, es)
  • rasismi – racist (adjective) (rasisme+i)
  • rasoni – reasonable (rason+i)
  • real – real, actual, genuine (sources: es, en, fr, id, ru)
  • reni – rainy (ren+i)
  • respeti – respectful (respeta+i)
  • ronde – round (sources: fr, en, es)
  • rosori – pink (rosa+ori)
  • ruski – Russian (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: ru, ar, en, es, fr, hi, id)
  • safi – clean (sources: sw, hi)
  • safra – yellow (sources: ar, hi)
  • sahi – true, correct, right, truth (something that’s true) Adj/N (sources: ar, hi)
  • sal – dirty (sources: fr, cmn)
  • sari – fast, quick, rapid, swift (sources: ar, ru)
  • sauti – loud, noisy (saut+i)
  • savaje – wild, savage (sources: en, es, fr)
  • sedi, nehapi – sad, unhappy (ne+hapi) (sources: id, en)
  • sehati – healthy (sehat+i)
  • seli – salty (sel+i)
  • semai – narrow (sources: ja, id)
  • sen – holy (sources: fr, cmn, ja)
  • serbi – Serbian, Serb (adjective, language) Adj/N (Serbia+i)
  • sida – straight (not bent) (sources: hi)
  • siensi – scientific (siense+i)
  • sikrit – secret Adj/N (sources: en, ar, es, fr, ru, sw)
  • silensi – silent, quiet (silensio+i)
  • similar – similar (sources: es, en, fr)
  • simple – simple, uncomplicated (sources: es, fr, en)
  • slavi – Slavic (slave+i)
  • sloveneski – Slovak (adjective, language) Adj/N (Slovenesko+i)
  • sola – only, sole, unique, single, alone (sources: es, en, fr)
  • sosieti – social (sosiete+i)
  • suden – sudden (sources: fr, en)
  • sufisna – enough, sufficient (sufis+na)
  • suimini – sleepy (suimin+i)
  • suka – dry (sources: hi, es, fr)
  • sunible – audible (sun+ible)
  • suomi – Finnish (adjective) (=Suomi)
  • sur – safe, secure, sure, certain (sources: fr, es, hi)
  • susesi – successful (suses+i)
  • suveren – sovereign (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • svagatbi – welcome (adjective) (svagat+bi)
  • svahili – Swahili (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: es, hi, cmn, en, fr, id, ja, ru, sw)
  • svan – sour (sources: cmn)
  • sveniska – Swedish (adjective, language) Adj/N (sources: en, es, sv)
  • svitsi – Swiss (adjective) (Svitse+i)
  • tali – next (sources: ar)
  • tami – delicious, yummy, tasty (tam+i)
  • tari – rich (sources: ar, hi, sw)
  • tayar – ready (sources: hi, sw)
  • telesi – slippery (telesa+i)
  • tradisil – traditional (tradisi+l)
  • trasi – trans*, trans (tras+i)
  • trasjenisi – transgender (property) (tras+jenis+i)
  • trinari – ternary (tri+nari)
  • turki – Turkish (adjective, language) Adj/N (Turkie+i)
  • ukrayini – Ukrainian (adjective, language) Adj/N (Ukrayina+i)
  • universi – universal (universo+i)
  • unnari – unary (un+nari)
  • urugvai – Uruguayan (adjective) (=Urugvai)
  • usaval – applicable (should be applied, worthy of being applied) (usa+val)
  • usible – usable, applicable (able to be used or applied) (usa+ible)
  • valori – precious, valuable (valor+i)
  • van – late (near the end of a day or other period of time) (sources: cmn)
  • violori – purple, violet (color) Adj/N (viola+ori)
  • xime – wet, humid (sources: cmn, ja)
  • xukuri – grateful (xukur+i)
  • yamin – right (not left) (sources: ar, hi)
  • yuni – young (sources: ru, en)
  • yuyo – useful (sources: ja, cmn)


  • amen – amen Adv/Intj (sources: cmn, es, fr, hi, ja, ar, en, id, ru, sw)
  • baru – just (recently) (sources: id, ja)
  • gengen – together (gen+gen)
  • hata – even (adverb) (sources: ar, sw, es)
  • kasi – almost (sources: es, fr, ar)
  • kixa – then, soon after, next (sources: sw)
  • ku bati – slowly
  • ku esata – exactly, precisely, just Adv/Intj
  • ku espesial – especially, particularly
  • ku estra – outside, outward, out (adverb)
  • ku eviden – obviously, evidently
  • ku fini – finally, at last, in the end, ultimately, last
  • ku fortuni – luckily, fortunately
  • ku hau – well (adverb)
  • ku jenti – kindly, gently, please
  • ku karibe – near, nearby (adverb)
  • ku kavi – strongly, hard
  • ku naturi – naturally, of course
  • ku probable – probably
  • ku rani – early (adverb)
  • ku real – really, actually, indeed
  • ku sahi – truly, really, indeed
  • ku sari – quickly, fast, rapidly, swiftly
  • ku sauti – loudly, aloud, loud, noisily
  • ku sola – only, just, merely
  • ku suden – suddenly
  • ku sufisna – enough, sufficiently
  • ku sunible – aloud, audibly
  • ku sur – surely, certainly
  • kvai – soon, be about to (sources: cmn)
  • mo – already (sources: ja, cmn)
  • natnat – up, above, upward, upwards (nat+nat)
  • nini – inside, within (ni+ni)
  • no … mo – no longer, (not) any more (in negated sentences – put the ‘no’ before the verb)
  • pia – also, too (sources: sw, id)
  • por ke – why
  • pospos – afterwards, afterward, after, later, since (pos+pos)
  • prepre – before, earlier, previously (pre+pre)
  • rubama, ku mumkin – perhaps, maybe, may, might, possibly (indicates a possibility) (sources: ar)
  • sam – myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, own (used for emphasis) (sources: ru)
  • susu – down, below, downwards, downward, underneath (su+su)
  • takriban – approximately, about, roughly (sources: ar, sw, ja)
  • tena – again, another time, once more (sources: sw, hi)
  • trastras – across (adverb) (tras+tras)
  • vapas – back (adverb) (sources: hi)
  • yexo – still, yet (sources: ru, en)


  • abar – cross (go from one side to the other) (sources: ar, ja)
  • abit – reside, dwell, live (in), inhabit, residence, habitation (state) V/N (sources: fr, es, ru)
  • abri – open (verb) (sources: es, fr)
  • abudu – worship, adore, adoration V/N (sources: sw, ar)
  • ada – add, addition V/N (sources: ar, en)
  • ajiba – wonder, marvel, be astonished, be amazed, astonishment, amazement V/N (sources: ar, sw)
  • akus – accuse, accusation, charge V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • aliki – hang, hang up (sources: sw, ar)
  • ama – love V/N (sources: es, ar)
  • amal – hope (for) V/N (sources: ar)
  • amit – admit, concede, acknowledge, admission, concession, acknowledgment, acknowledgement, recognize, recognise (legally), recognition, confess, confession V/N (sources: en, es)
  • amka – wake up, awake, awaken, waken, rouse, arouse (become or make awake), awakening V/N (sources: sw, ar)
  • aprende – learn (sources: es, fr)
  • areste – arrest V/N (sources: ru, en, es, fr)
  • arsal – send (sources: ar)
  • asosia – associate, association V/N (sources: en, es, fr, ru)
  • asra – hurry, rush, hasten, haste V/N (sources: ar)
  • atake – attack V/N (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • badal – exchange (act) V/N (sources: hi, ar, sw)
  • ban – become (sources: hi)
  • ban baridi – cool down, cool, become cooler, become colder
  • ban espos – marry (become a husband or wife, be joined in marriage)
  • ban espos de – marry (someone)
  • ban hau – improve, become better, become good
  • ban jixina – realize, realise, become aware, (something) occurs to (one), (something) comes to (one’s) mind
  • ban lal – redden, become red
  • ban lela – tire, become tired
  • ban penu – fill, become full
  • ban suka – dry, become dry
  • ban xime – wet, moisten, become wet, become moist
  • banju – help (sources: cmn, id)
  • baugvo – wrap (sources: cmn)
  • beba – carry (sources: sw, es, id)
  • bece – sell (sources: hi)
  • bi can – be born
  • bi interes – care, be interested
  • bole – hurt, ache, be in pain, pain V/N (sources: ru, es)
  • bria – shine, glow V/N (sources: es, fr, id, ru)
  • bun – weave (sources: hi, cmn)
  • busu – kiss (sources: sw, ar, es)
  • can – give birth, bear, birth V/N (sources: cmn, hi)
  • cange – sing, singing V/N (sources: cmn, fr)
  • cien – delay, postpone, put off, defer, postponement, deferment V/N (sources: cmn, ja)
  • cinke – sneeze (sources: hi, ru)
  • coma – burn V/N (sources: sw, es)
  • cuci – wash (sources: id, cmn)
  • cuma – pick, gather, collect, collection (act of collecting), collecting (hobby) V/N (sources: sw, hi, ja)
  • cura – steal (sources: hi, es, id)
  • cvan – wear, have on (clothes and such) (sources: cmn)
  • cvi – blow (sources: cmn)
  • da – give, grant (also used as verb-making suffix) V/Suf (sources: es, ru, hi)
  • dansa – dance V/N (sources: es, en, fr, ja, ru, sw)
  • defende – defend, defense, defence V/N (sources: es, fr, en)
  • deklara – declare, declaration V/N (sources: es, en, fr, ru)
  • depende – depend (on/upon), dependence V/N (sources: es, fr, en)
  • derive – derive, derivation V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • deside – decide, decision V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • deskribi – describe (sources: es, en, fr)
  • detene – detain, hold back, detention V/N (sources: en, es, fr)
  • determin – determine, ascertain, establish, determination V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • difer – differ, difference V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • diskrimin – discriminate, discrimination V/N (sources: en, es, fr, id, ru)
  • diskut – discuss, argue, dispute, discussion, argument V/N (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • distinge – distinguish, distinction V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • duanusa – smoke (preserve or prepare by treating with smoke) (duan+usa)
  • emerje – appear, emerge, show up, turn up, appearance, emergence, arise V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • enterten – entertain, amuse (sources: en, es)
  • entre – enter (sources: fr, en, es)
  • era – err, error, make a mistake, mistake V/N (sources: en, ja, es, fr)
  • eserse – exercise, practise, practice (do in order to get better) V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • esil – exile (verb, state) V/N (sources: id, en, es, fr)
  • estre – extract, draw (e.g. water or a weapon), pull out, take out, withdraw (e.g. money) (sources: fr, en, es)
  • etende – extend, spread, stretch, outstretch (sources: fr, en, es, sw)
  • fa – do, make, commit, perpetrate (sources: ar, fr, sw)
  • fa ansios – worry, fret, concern (someone)
  • fa baridi – cool down, cool, make cooler, make colder
  • fa garam – heat, heat up, warm, warm up
  • fa hafana – intimidate, intimidation V/N
  • fa hau – improve, make better, make good
  • fa kali – empty, make empty
  • fa lal – redden, make red
  • fa lela – tire, make tired
  • fa nica – debase, degrade, demean
  • fa niraxe – disappoint, let down, underwhelm
  • fa nuri – light, illuminate
  • fa obyet – subject (cause to undergo)
  • fa oke – get along, get by, make do, do OK, do okay
  • fa penu – fill, make full
  • fa real – realize, realise, make real, carry out, live out
  • fa saut – sound, make a sound
  • fa sen – hallow, sanctify
  • fa silensi – silence, make silent
  • fa siro – annul, nullify, annulment, nullification V/N
  • fa suka – dry, make dry
  • fa un – unite
  • fa xime – wet, moisten, make wet, make moist
  • fanci – quit, give up, abandon, desist, relinquish (sources: cmn)
  • fanfaron – boast, brag (of/about), show off, flaunt (sources: fr, es)
  • fau ajiba – astonish, amaze, astound, flabbergast
  • fau bole – hurt, pain (somebody else)
  • fau mati – kill
  • faxyen – discover, find out (sources: cmn)
  • fikir – think, thought, thinking V/N (sources: ar, id, sw)
  • fin – end, finish, terminate, ending, close V/N (sources: es, fr)
  • finu cvan – take off, stop wearing
  • fonde – found, establish, set up, foundation, establishment (act) V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • formada – shape, form (verb) (forma+da)
  • forsa – force, compel, coerce (sources: es, en, fr)
  • garanti – guarantee, warrant, warranty V/N (sources: fr, hi, en, es, id, ru)
  • gayar – change V/N (sources: ar, cmn, es, ja)
  • gide – lead, guide (sources: fr, en, es)
  • go – go (sources: en)
  • go vapas – return, go back V/N
  • gvan – close (verb) (sources: cmn)
  • ha – have, possess, hold, own (also used as verb-making suffix), there is, there are, there be (when used without a subject) V/Suf (sources: en)
  • hacyen – yawn V/N (sources: cmn)
  • hafa – fear, be afraid (of), be scared (of) V/N (sources: ar, cmn, sw)
  • hasir – lose (sources: ar)
  • hatorusa – hammer, use a hammer (on) (hatora+usa)
  • hen – hate, hatred V/N (sources: cmn, en)
  • hila – shake, tremble, shaking, trembling V/N (sources: hi, ar, es)
  • hukum – judge, judgment, judgement V/N (sources: ar, sw)
  • impos – impose, inflict, imposition, infliction V/N (sources: en, fr, es)
  • inklui – include, comprise (sources: es, en, fr, ru)
  • insit – incite, instigate, abet, prompt, incitement, instigation, abetment V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • intasar – wait, await, wait for (sources: ar, hi)
  • interes – interest, care (with subject and object reversed, or in the passive) V/N (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • interfer – interfere, meddle (in, with), interference V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • interveka – interpose, interposition V/N (inter+veka)
  • interxvo – talk (with others), converse, conversation V/N (inter+xvo)
  • iska – search (for), look for, look (for), seek V/N (sources: ru, es)
  • istamta – enjoy, enjoyment V/N (sources: ar, es)
  • ita – call V/N (sources: sw, es)
  • ixi – live, life V/N (sources: sw, es)
  • janli – stand (sources: cmn)
  • javabe – answer, respond, reply, response V/N (sources: id, ar, hi)
  • jela – freeze (sources: es, fr)
  • jixi – know, knowledge V/N (sources: cmn, ja)
  • kadir – estimate, assess, value (sources: ar, id, sw)
  • kaixi – begin, start, commence, initiate, beginning V/N (sources: cmn, ja)
  • kaixu cvan – put on, don, begin to wear
  • kaixu janli – stand up, get up, stand
  • kaixu side – sit down
  • kalafa – cost V/N (sources: ar, ja, sw)
  • kamu – bite (sources: ja, hi)
  • kapa – drip, dribble, trickle (sources: ru, ar, hi)
  • karu – hunt V/N (sources: ja, es, id)
  • kas – break (sources: fr, ar, ja)
  • katu – cut (sources: ar, en, hi, ja, sw)
  • keso – cough (sources: cmn)
  • kita – remove, take away, deprive (with objects switched: kita xos de jen = deprive someone of something) (sources: es, hi)
  • klaim – claim (sources: id, en)
  • kolorda – color, colour (give color to) (kolor+da)
  • kombin – combine, join, combination, junction (act of combining/joining) V/N (sources: fr, en, es, ru)
  • komiru – glance, glimpse, peep V/N (ko+miru)
  • kompara – compare, comparison V/N (sources: es, en, fr)
  • kompensa – compensate, make up (for), compensation V/N (sources: es, en, fr, ru)
  • komprende – understand, comprehend, understanding, comprehension V/N (sources: es, fr, en)
  • komunika – communicate, communication V/N (sources: es, en, fr, id)
  • konfes – confess, confession V/N (sources: fr, cmn, en, es)
  • konfronta – face, confront (sources: es, en, fr)
  • konside – consider, consideration, ponder, reflect, think over, wonder V/N (sources: en, es, fr)
  • konta – count (sources: es, en, fr)
  • kontene – contain (sources: es, en, fr)
  • kontinu – continue, go on, proceed, continuation V/N (sources: en, es, fr)
  • koresponde – correspond (be equivalent or similar in some way; exchange messages), correspondence V/N (sources: es, fr, en, id, ru)
  • kostrui – build, construct, building, construction (process) V/N (sources: en, es, fr, ru)
  • koxyau – smile V/N (ko+xyau)
  • krea – create (sources: es, en, fr)
  • krica – scream V/N (sources: ru, es, fr)
  • kua – grow (sources: sw, fr)
  • kubali – agree, consent, accede, agreement V/N (sources: sw)
  • kula – eat (sources: sw, ar, hi, ru)
  • kusar – rot, spoil, decay, decompose, go bad, become rotten V/N (sources: ja, hi)
  • lai – come (sources: cmn)
  • lai vapas – return, come back, comeback V/N
  • laki – find (sources: ar)
  • lari – run (sources: id, ar, fr)
  • leta – bring (sources: sw, es, hi)
  • limit – limit, restrict, restriction, limitation V/N (sources: en, fr, es)
  • liste – list, listing V/N (sources: en, fr, es, hi, ja)
  • mai – buy, purchase V/N (sources: cmn, en)
  • main – play (sources: id, cmn)
  • manan – mean, meaning, signify, significance V/N (sources: ar, en, hi, sw)
  • mati – die, death V/N (sources: id, ar, es)
  • maxa – walk (sources: ar, fr)
  • memorini – remember, recall, memorize (memori+ni)
  • menti – lie, tell a lie V/N (sources: es, fr)
  • meri – measure, measurement V/N (sources: ru, en, es)
  • minta – request, ask for V/N (sources: id)
  • miru – see, look, watch, view, look at (sources: ja, es)
  • mostra – show, display, exhibit, manifest, exhibition, showing V/N (sources: es, fr, ja)
  • muve – move, movement, motion V/N (sources: en, fr, es)
  • naje – swim (sources: fr, es)
  • naku – cry, weep, crying, weeping V/N (sources: ja, ar, cmn)
  • namda – name, give a name to, give the name … to (nam+da)
  • namha – be called, have the name (nam+ha)
  • napas – breathe (sources: id, ar)
  • naruxa – violate, break, infringe, violation, breach, infringement V/N (sources: ru, ar)
  • natmuve – rise, raise, lift, elevate, pick up V/N (nat+muve)
  • nefonde – dissolve (terminate a union or organization), dissolution V/N (ne+fonde)
  • nemerje – disappear, vanish, disappearance V/N (ne+emerje)
  • nepermit – forbid, prohibit, ban, disallow, prohibition, interdiction V/N (ne+permit)
  • nia – intend, intention, mean, plan V/N (sources: sw, ar, id)
  • nide – need, require (sources: en)
  • nigal – swallow (verb) (sources: hi)
  • noku – knock V/N (sources: en, ja)
  • nomu – drink V/N (sources: ja, es)
  • nota – notice, note, remark V/N (sources: es, en, fr, sw)
  • nulis – write (sources: id, ru)
  • okur – happen, occur, take place, occurrence V/N (sources: en, es, ja)
  • olbida – forget (sources: es, ru)
  • omit – omit, omission, leave out, miss out V/N (sources: en, es, fr)
  • onorda – honor, honour (verb) (onor+da)
  • opere – operate, operation, perform surgery V/N (sources: fr, en, es, id, ja, sw)
  • opin – opine, think (be of the opinion that), opinion V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • otene – get, obtain (sources: es, fr)
  • paga – pay (sources: es, ar, en)
  • pakar – catch, capture, seize, grasp, grab, grip V/N (sources: hi, es, sw)
  • pakar ikan – fish, (try to) catch fish
  • pardon – forgive, pardon (sources: fr, en, es)
  • pasa – pass, go by (sources: es, en, fr, sw)
  • pentoda – paint (apply paint to) (pento+da)
  • permit – allow, permit, permission V/N (sources: en, es, fr)
  • persu – pursue, prosecute, pursuit, prosecution V/N (sources: en, es, fr)
  • pertene – belong (to), pertain (to) (sources: es, fr, en)
  • pika – cook (sources: sw, hi)
  • pratika – practise, practice (do regularly or professionally; actual behavior in contrast to theory) V/N (sources: en, es, fr, ru)
  • prefer, mas suki – prefer, preference, like more, like better V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • preveni – prevent, forestall, hinder, avert, ward off, keep out, prevention V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • proba – try, attempt, taste V/N (sources: es, id, ru)
  • prose – try, put on trial, trial, lawsuit V/N (sources: fr, es, ru)
  • proteje – protect, protection V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • pruva – prove, proof V/N (sources: en, es, fr, hi)
  • puni – punish, punishment, penalty V/N (sources: es, fr, en)
  • rabota – work (sources: ru, es)
  • rasdraji – annoy, bother, irritate, disturb, mind (with subject and object reversed, or in the passive) (sources: ru, ar)
  • recasa – refuse, decline, deny (sources: es, ar, en, fr, ru)
  • reforme – reform V/N (sources: fr, en, es, hi, ru)
  • reji – govern, rule (sources: fr, cmn, es)
  • repos – rest, repose (sources: en, es, fr)
  • respeta – respect V/N (sources: es, en, fr)
  • reste – stay, remain (sources: fr, en)
  • ripit – repeat, repetition V/N (sources: en, es, fr, ja)
  • rol – roll (verb) (sources: en, es, fr)
  • ruka – jump, leap V/N (sources: sw, es)
  • safir – travel, journey, trip V/N (sources: ar, sw)
  • sali – pray (sources: sw, ar)
  • saru – leave, depart, come out, go out, get out (of), exit (sources: ja, es)
  • segi – follow (sources: es, cmn, ru)
  • selda – salt (add salt to) (sel+da)
  • sente – feel, sense (sources: en, es, fr)
  • seronde – surround (sources: en, es)
  • side – sit (sources: ru, en)
  • sika – teach, teaching V/N (sources: hi)
  • sil – sew, stitch (sources: hi)
  • soma – read (sources: sw, ja)
  • sonya – dream V/N (sources: es, fr, ru)
  • sosa – suck (sources: ru, ar, cmn, fr, sw)
  • sufis – suffice, be enough (sources: en, fr)
  • sufoke – suffocate, choke, suffocation V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • sugi kadir – overestimate
  • sugo – descend, go down (su+go)
  • suimin – sleep V/N (sources: ja, cmn)
  • sukadir – underestimate (su+kadir)
  • suki – like (enjoy, find attractive), please (with subject and object reversed, or in the passive), be pleased (by) (sources: ja, id, ru)
  • sun – hear, listen (to), hearing (act, legal procedure) V/N (sources: hi)
  • supos – suppose, assume, guess, presume, assumption, supposition, presumption, conjecture V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • svagat – welcome (act, interjection) V/N/Intj (sources: hi)
  • tabakusa – smoke (a cigarette, cigar, pipe, or other tobacco product) (tabako+usa)
  • tamha – taste (have a certain taste) (tam+ha)
  • tara – fly (act) (sources: ar, id)
  • tarjam – translate (sources: ar, id)
  • tava – fold (sources: ar, ja)
  • telesa – slip, slide (sources: sw, es)
  • tenda – act, action, deed V/N (sources: sw, id)
  • tene – hold (sources: es, fr)
  • tenta – tempt, temptation, entice, enticement V/N (sources: es, fr)
  • tiba – arrive, get (to) (sources: id, es, sw)
  • tinji – stop, halt V/N (sources: cmn)
  • tira – throw (sources: es, en, ru, sw)
  • toma – take (sources: es, ja, sw)
  • tombe – fall, fall down, come down, drop, tumble V/N (sources: fr, id)
  • tortur – torture V/N (sources: fr, en, es)
  • trasforme – transform, transformation V/N (sources: en, es, fr, ru)
  • trata – treat, treatment V/N (sources: es, en, fr)
  • troga – touch V/N (sources: ru, es)
  • tuke – spit (sources: hi, cmn)
  • turne – turn (sources: fr, en)
  • usa – use, apply, employ, utilise, utilize, make use (of), employment, utilisation, utilization (also used as verb-making suffix) V/N/Suf (sources: es, en, fr)
  • vatada – water, give water to (vata+da)
  • veka – put, place (sources: sw, ar, id)
  • ven – ask (sources: cmn)
  • vin – win, victory V/N (sources: en, cmn)
  • vomit – vomit (sources: en, es, fr)
  • xi ansios – worry, fret, be anxious, be worried, be troubled
  • xi ji, jieha – hunger, be hungry (jie+ha)
  • xi pyasi, pyasha – thirst, be thirsty (pyas+ha)
  • xi susesi – succeed, be successful, manage (to do something)
  • xikar – scold, rebuke, chide, berate V/N (sources: ja, hi)
  • xukur – thank, thanks, thank you V/N/Intj (sources: ar, sw)
  • xvasi – choose, choice (act of choosing, right to choose), select, selection (process, act), elect, pick V/N (sources: fr, cmn)
  • xvo – speak, say, talk, speech, converse, conversation V/N (sources: cmn)
  • xyau – laugh (sources: cmn)
  • xyende – seem, look, appear, look like (sources: cmn)
  • yau – want, desire, will V/N (sources: cmn, id)

Auxiliary verbs

  • ba debe – should, ought
  • bisa – can, may, be able to (sources: id, sw)
  • debe – must, have to, duty, obligation Aux/N (sources: es, cmn)
  • fau – do, make (auxiliary version of ‘fa’) (fa+u)
  • finu – end, finish, terminate (auxiliary version of ‘fin’) (fin+u)
  • kaixu – begin, start, commence, initiate (auxiliary version of ‘kaixi’) (kaixi+u)
  • kontinut – continue, go on, proceed, on, keep (doing – auxiliary version of ‘kontinu’) (kontinu+t)
  • nidu – need, require (auxiliary version of ‘nide’) (nide+u)
  • suku – like (auxiliary version of ‘suki’), please (with subject and object reversed, or in the passive), be pleased (by) (suki+u)


  • ba – would (marks the irrealis: something that is uncertain or doubtful) (sources: ja, ru)
  • bi – be …-ed (forms the passive voice) (sources: en, cmn, id, ru)
  • du – (marks commands and requests, like Go! or Let’s do it!) (sources: en)
  • ga – will, shall (indicates the future tense) (sources: hi, ar, es, fr, sw)
  • ka – yes-no (added at the end of statements to turn them into yes-no questions) (sources: id, ja, ar, cmn, hi)
  • ki – -‘s (expresses possession like ‘de’, but with the arguments reversed) (sources: hi, cmn)
  • ku – -ly (turns adjectives into adverbs) (sources: ja, hi)
  • li – -ed (indicates the past tense) (sources: ru, sw, es, hi)
  • li ba – would have (marks counterfactuals: something that can no longer become true)
  • na – (indicates the present tense) (sources: sw)
  • sai – be …-ing (marks the progressive aspect) (sources: cmn)
  • tu – to, -ing (marks the infinitive or gerund: to dance/dancing) (sources: en, id, ru, sw)


  • ingi – many, much, a lot, very, so, how (sources: sw, ru)
  • kam – how much, how many, how (degree) (sources: ar)
  • koxye – several, a few (an indefinite, but probably fairly small number or quantity), a little, slightly (ko+xye)
  • malo – few, little, a little, slightly (sources: ru, hi)
  • mas – more, -er (used as quantifier and in comparisons), another (one more), other, others (more), furthermore, moreover (sources: es)
  • mas … mas … – the (in: the … the …), the more … the more …
  • men – less, fewer (sources: es, fr, ru)
  • no – not, no, be not, am not, are not, is not (negated copula), neither (used with ‘nor’) Quant/V (sources: es, en, fr, hi, ru)
  • ol – all, wholly, entirely, fully, totally, quite (sources: en)
  • ol do – both
  • ol mas – most, -est (superlative)
  • ol men – least
  • ol no – not at all
  • sugi – too, too much, too many (sources: ja)
  • tan – as, as much, as many, so (sources: es, ru)
  • un mas – another, one more
  • xi – yes, indeed, be, am, are, is (copula) Quant/V (sources: cmn, ar, es, fr)
  • xye – some (a certain number or part of), somewhat (sources: cmn)
  • yo – -s, -es (optional plural marker) (sources: hi, ru)


  • aru – certain, some (sources: ja)
  • eni – any, whichever, whatever (sources: en, ja)
  • kada – every, each, either (sources: es, ja, ru, sw)
  • ke – what, who, that, which, whom (sources: es, fr, cmn)
  • kes – whose (ke+s)
  • otra – other, another (sources: es, ar, fr, hi)
  • sama – same (sources: id, en, sw)
  • si – this, these (sources: cmn, fr, sw)
  • ta – that, those (sources: ru, ar, cmn, hi)


  • it – it (sources: en, fr, id, ru)
  • iti – its (it+i)
  • le – they, them (sources: fr, en, hi)
  • les – their (le+s)
  • mi – I, me, myself (reflexively) (sources: en, ar, es, fr, hi, ru, sw)
  • mis – my (mi+s)
  • nas – we, us, ourselves (reflexively) (sources: ru, ar, en, es)
  • nasi – our (nas+i)
  • no de le – neither, none (of them)
  • no eni – none, not any
  • on – one, you (impersonal, generic) (sources: fr, en)
  • oni – one’s, your (impersonal) (on+i)
  • si yan – this one, (the) latter (the person or object mentioned last)
  • sin – himself, herself, itself, themselves, oneself (used reflexively in the third person) (sources: cmn)
  • sini – his, her, its, their, one’s (used as reflexive possessive pronoun in the third person) (sin+i)
  • ta yan – that one, (the) former (the person or object mentioned next to last)
  • ti – you (singular), yourself (reflexively) (sources: es, ru, ar, cmn, fr, hi)
  • tis – your (singular) (ti+s)
  • tum – you (plural), yourselves (reflexively) (sources: hi, ar)
  • tumi – your (plural) (tum+i)
  • unotra – each other, one another (un+otra)
  • ya – he, she (sources: hi, ar, cmn, es, id, ja)
  • ya ke – he who, she who, the one who
  • yan – one, the one (impersonal pronoun) (sources: id, en)
  • yas – his, her (ya+s)


  • siro – zero (sources: en, ar, es, fr, ja, sw)
  • aval – first (sources: ar, hi)
  • un – one, first (sources: es, fr)
  • do – two, second (sources: fr, hi, es)
  • demi – half, demi-, semi-, hemi- (sources: fr, en, es)
  • tri – three, third (sources: en, hi, ru, es, fr)
  • tret – third (fraction) (sources: ru, fr)
  • katre – four, fourth (sources: fr, es, hi)
  • tano – five, fifth (sources: sw, hi)
  • sis – six, sixth (sources: en, fr, ar, es, sw)
  • set – seven, seventh (sources: fr, es, hi, ru)
  • at – eight, eighth (sources: hi, en)
  • tisa – nine, ninth (sources: ar, sw)
  • des – ten, tenth (sources: es, fr, hi, ru)
  • desi – deci-, tenth (fraction) (des+i)
  • des un – eleven
  • des do – twelve, twelfth
  • des tri – thirteen
  • des katre – fourteen
  • des tano – fifteen
  • des sis – sixteen
  • des set – seventeen
  • des at – eighteen
  • des tisa – nineteen
  • dodes – twenty, twentieth (do+des)
  • trides – thirty, thirtieth (tri+des)
  • katredes – forty (katre+des)
  • tanodes – fifty (tano+des)
  • sisdes – sixty (sis+des)
  • setdes – seventy (set+des)
  • atdes – eighty (at+des)
  • tisades – ninety (tisa+des)
  • sento – hundred (sources: es, fr, ru)
  • senti – centi-, hundredth (fraction) (sento+i)
  • mil – thousand (sources: es, fr)
  • mili – milli-, thousandth (fraction) (mil+i)
  • milyon – million (sources: fr, ar, en, es, ru, sw)
  • gigalyon – billion (giga+alyon)
  • teralyon – trillion (tera+alyon)


  • a – to (target or recipient), until, till, by (not later than) (sources: es, fr)
  • an – about, concerning, regarding, toward, towards, on, of (sources: ar, id)
  • be – by (agent of a passive verb or creator of a work) (sources: cmn, ar, en, fr, hi)
  • bina – without (sources: hi, ar, es, sw)
  • cem – than, as, compared to (used in comparisons) (sources: ru)
  • de – of, from, out of, since (time) (sources: cmn, es, fr, hi)
  • duran – during (sources: fr, en, es, hi)
  • gen – with, together with, having (sources: cmn)
  • gi – for, toward, towards, for the benefit of (sources: ar, cmn, id)
  • gi tu – in order to, to
  • i – (optional subject marker) (sources: ko)
  • ila – except, but, apart from, besides, barring, save for (sources: ar, sw, ja)
  • inter – between, among, inter- Prep/Pref (sources: es, fr, id, ru, en, hi, ja)
  • malgre – despite, in spite of, notwithstanding (sources: fr, es)
  • nat – above, over (higher than and normally not touching) (sources: ru)
  • ni – in, at, on (sources: ja, sw, ar, cmn)
  • ni byen – beside, next to, by
  • ni karibe – near, close by, close to
  • ni segi – along, according to, following
  • ni seronde – around, about
  • ni sima – on, on top of (touching the upper surface)
  • ni troga – against (in physical contact with)
  • no de – none of, neither
  • o – (optional object marker) (sources: ja)
  • ol de – whole, entire, full, total, all of
  • por – for, due to, out of, because of, for the sake of, on account of (sources: es, en, fr)
  • pos – after, post-, in (e.g. in three hours), later (e.g. two weeks later), behind (in time or space) Prep/Pref (sources: es, en, fr, ru)
  • pre – before, pre-, in front of (in time or space), ago Prep/Pref (sources: es, fr, en, id, ru)
  • su – under, below, sub-, under-, underneath Prep/Pref (sources: fr, cmn, en, es, id, ru)
  • yon – with, by, by means of, using, via, through (sources: cmn, es)

Prepositional phrases

  • bina cien – immediate, immediately, instant, instantly, without delay
  • bina otra – alone, by oneself, without others, unaccompanied
  • bina suses – in vain, vain, vainly, without success
  • kom misal – for example
  • kom ta – such, like that
  • ni tem – in time
  • ni tem esata – just in time
  • por ta – therefore, hence, thus, so, consequently, as a result, accordingly


  • a to – until, till (introducing a clause)
  • au – or, either (in: either … or) (sources: ar, sw, es, fr, id)
  • bal – but, although, however, nevertheless, though, still (sources: ar, en, sw)
  • de to – since (a given time, introducing a clause)
  • duran to – while, as
  • ila to – except (that)
  • kese – how (sources: hi)
  • kom – as, like, such as Conj/Prep (sources: fr, ar, es, sw)
  • malgre to – although, even though, though, albeit, notwithstanding (that)
  • nor – nor (sources: en)
  • por to – because, since (giving a reason, followed by a clause)
  • pos to – after (introducing a clause)
  • pre to – before (introducing a clause)
  • se – if, whether (sources: es, fr)
  • se … no – unless, if not
  • to – that (introduces a subordinate clause) (sources: ja, ru)
  • va – and, both (in: both … and) (sources: ar, hi, ja, ru, sw)


  • anti – anti-, against, with (against) Pref/Prep (sources: en, es, fr, id, ru, cmn, ja)
  • cis- – cis- (sources: id, en, es, fr, ja, ru)
  • estra – extra-, outside Pref/Prep (sources: en, es, fr, id, ru)
  • giga- – giga- (sources: en, id, ja, ru, cmn, es, fr)
  • ko- – -y, -ling, -let, -ette, -ie (diminutive: smaller or weaker version) (sources: ja, ru, es, sw)
  • ma- – (prefix that can be used to mark individuals as male)
  • ne- – non-, un-, in-, dis- (sources: ru, cmn, es)
  • nu- – -ess (prefix that can be used to mark individuals as female) (sources: cmn, hi)
  • tera- – tera- (sources: en, es, fr, id, ja, ru)
  • tras – trans-, across, through (to, from or on the other side of) Pref/Prep (sources: es, en, fr, id, ja, ru)
  • ultra – ultra-, beyond Pref/Prep (sources: es, fr, id, ru, en)
  • yu- – (prefix marking a young, not yet fully grown member of a species or group) (sources: cmn, ja)


  • -aje – -age (thing that does something) (sources: en, fr, es)
  • -alyon – -illion (suffix for powers of a thousand greater than a million) (sources: en, fr, id, ru, sw)
  • -el – (suffix selecting an element of a whole)
  • -eria – -ery (a place where something takes place or is sold or exhibited or where services related to it are offered) (sources: es, en, fr)
  • -i, -l – -an, -al, -ic, -ine (forms adjectives from nouns or verbs: related to, affected by, characterized by, applying throughout; -l is used with words ending in a simple -i) (sources: ar, hi, ru, en)
  • -ible – -able, -ible (able to be done) (sources: es, fr, en)
  • -in – -ite (specifies the object or typical object of an act) (sources: cmn, en, id, ja)
  • -isme – -ism (ideology, belief or movement) (sources: fr, id, ru, en, es, ja)
  • -istan, -astan – -stan, -istan (sources: es, hi, ru, ar, cmn, en, fr, id, ja, sw)
  • -iste – -ist (adherent of an ideology or movement) (sources: en, fr, ru, es, id, sw)
  • -ja – -er (person who does something, whether currently, frequently, or professionally) (sources: cmn, en, ja)
  • -lan – -land (sources: cmn, ar, en, es, fr, hi, id, ru)
  • -nari – -nary, -ary (suffix for number systems and arity) (sources: en, es, fr, id, ru)
  • -nes – -ness, -hood, -ship, -ity, -itude, -dom (forms abstract nouns expressing a state or quality) (sources: en, fr, ru)
  • -ori – (suffix used to derive colors)
  • -rui – -hood, -kind (denotes groups, classes, and collections) (sources: ja)
  • -s – (ending of possessive pronouns – used after vowels) (sources: en)
  • -u, -t – (turns verb into auxiliary verb, indicating that another verb will follow; -t is used with verbs ending in a simple -u)
  • -val – -able, -ible (fit to be done, deserving to be done, worthy of)
  • -xin – -ator (machine used to do something)


  • cao – goodbye, bye (sources: es, ru)
  • den can hapi – happy birthday
  • den hau – good morning, good day (used as greeting throughout the day)
  • nait hau – good night
  • oi – oh, why (indicates surprise or other emotions) (sources: ru, cmn, en, es, fr, hi, id, ja)
  • oi bura – oh dear
  • salam – hello, good day (sources: ar, hi, id, sw, fr, ru)
  • sore hau – good evening
  • suba hau – good morning (used as greeting until around noon)


  • Krismas hapi, Can Kristo hapi – merry Christmas
  • mi ama ti – I love you
  • mi no jixi – I don’t know
  • mis nam xi – my name is
  • nyen naya hapi – happy New Year
  • pre lon lon, un kai ha – once upon a time (typical beginning of fairy tales and such)
  • ti xi kese – how are you
  • tis nam xi ke – what is your name, what’s your name
en/wordlist.txt · Last modified: 2023-03-16 03:17 by lugamun

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