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Proposals for new words

From "Ich will nicht nach Berlin" (Kraftklub)

Added from this list: bagu ‘bag’, jut ‘jute’, bagu jut ‘jute bag’ (Jutebeutel), geste ‘guest’, liste ‘list, listing’, mivani ‘spectacles, (eye)glasses’, projet ‘project’, tiba ‘arrive’, yo malbas ‘clothing, clothes’, soya ‘soybean, soy, soya (bean)'.

Leave as foreign word: undercut (hairstyle).

Existed already: bal ‘but, although’ (doch).

From "Hills Like White Elephants" (E. Hemingway)

Added from this list: aliki ‘hang’, amaval ‘lovely’ (ama+val), ardi ‘ground, earth, land’, asinte ‘absinthe’, bambu ‘bamboo’, bar ‘bar, pub’, beba ‘carry’, bir ‘beer’, bisu ‘bead’, dehat ‘country, countryside (rural area)', doro rel ‘railway, railroad, track (of a railway)', elefan ‘elephant’, enterten ‘entertain, amuse’, estasion ‘station’, estra ‘extra-, outside’, etende ‘extend, spread, (out)stretch’, fa oke ‘get along, get by, make do, do OK’, felte ‘felt (material)', forsa ‘force, compel, coerce’, glas ‘glass (for drinking)', glisiris ‘licorice’, gren ‘grain (seed of grass food crops)', hava ‘air’, hotel ‘hotel’, ila ‘except, but, besides’, inin ‘shadow, shade’, intasar ‘wait (for), await’, inter ‘inter-, (now also) between, among’, jen emeriki ‘American, U.S. American (person)', jixi ‘know’ (also in the ‘I know her well’ sense), kobaridi ‘cool’ (ko+baridi), kombin ‘combine, join’, kombineria ‘junction’, komonte ‘hill’ (ko+monte), korde ‘string, cord, rope’, korten ‘curtain’, kostruin ‘building, edifice’, koxime ‘humid, damp’ (ko+xime), koxyau ‘smile’ (ko+xyau), krica ‘scream’, ku espesial ‘especially, particularly’, kvaliti ‘fine, high-quality’, leta ‘bring’, linya ‘line’, manan ‘mean, meaning’, mat glas ‘coaster’, mesa ‘table’, minut ‘minute’, mur ‘wall’, muxa ‘fly (insect)', natmuve ‘rise, lift, pick up’ (nat+muve), ni troga ‘against (in physical contact with)', no … mo ‘no longer, (not) any more’ (put the no before the verb), oke ‘OK, okay, all right’, ol no ‘not at all’, opere ‘operate, operation’, otra ples ‘somewhere else, elsewhere, away’, pakar ‘catch, capture, seize, grasp, grab, grip’, pento ‘paint (substance)', pentoda ‘paint (apply paint to)', pifu ‘skin’, plesiri ‘pleasant, nice, agreeable’, por ‘for (a certain duration)', preveni ‘prevent, forestall, prevention’, pruva ‘prove, proof’, rasdraji ‘annoy, bother, irritate; mind (with subject and object reversed, or in the passive), rasoni ‘reasonable’ (rason+i), rel ‘rail’, reste ‘stay, remain’, sereal ‘cereal (type of grass and its grains), grain’, suki ‘like (enjoy, find attractive)', supos ‘suppose, assume, guess’, ta tem ‘then’ (at that time, in that case), tras ‘trans-, across, through’, tinji ‘stop, halt’, topi ‘hat’, tren ‘train’, tvi ‘leg’, ultra ‘ultra-, beyond’, vadi ‘valley’, vapas ‘back (adverb)', vebaca ‘girl (child)', veka ‘put, place’, (xi) ansios ‘worry, fret, be anxious’, yujen ‘youth, child’, yuona ‘young woman, girl’.

Existed already: bi interes (an) ‘care (about), be interested (in)'.

From "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (United Nations)

Added for article 18: abudu ‘worship, adore, adoration’, mostra ‘show, display, manifest’, pratika ‘practise, practice’, ritual ‘ritual, rite, observance (of rituals/rites)'.

Added for article 17: asosia ‘associate, association’.

Added for article 16: ban espos ‘marry (become a husband or wife, be joined in marriage)', esposnes ‘marriage (state, union)', fonde ‘found, establish’, nefonde ‘dissolve (terminate a union or organization)' (ne+fonde), nia ‘intend, intention’, umri ‘age’.

Note: ‘group unit’ in 16(3) might be translated as elemen, following the French version (élément).

Added for article 15: kita ‘remove, take away, deprive (with objects switched: kita xos de jen = deprive someone of something)', nasionnes ‘nationality’ (nasion+nes), recasa ‘refuse, decline, deny’.

Added for article 14: asilu ‘asylum’, emerje ‘appear, emerge, arise’, hadafe ‘target, goal, purpose’, kaso ‘case (situation or event)', persu ‘pursue, prosecute, pursuit, prosecution’, prinsipe ‘principle’, real ‘real, genuine’.

Note: ‘invoke’ in the context of this article can be translated as minta.

Added for article 13: abit ‘reside, dwell, live (in), residence, habitation (state)', fronter ‘border, frontier, boundary’.

Added for article 12: atake ‘attack’, familya ‘family’, interfer ‘interfere (in, with), interference’, koresponde ‘correspond, correspondence’, onor ‘honor’, pribatnes ‘privacy’ (pribat+nes), reputasi ‘reputation’.

Added for article 11: defende ‘defend, defense’, fa ‘do, commit’, garanti ‘guarantee’, impos ‘impose, inflict’, kavi ‘strong, heavy’, kulpi ‘guilty, culpable’ (kulpa+i), nekulpi au bina kulpa ‘innocent, not guilty, guiltless’, ni segi ‘along, according to’, omit ‘omit, omission’, puni ‘punish, punishment, penalty’, por ‘for, due to, on account of’, prose ‘try, trial, lawsuit’, supos ‘suppose, assume, presume’, usaval ‘applicable (should be applied, worthy of being applied)' (usa+val).

Note: ‘constitute’ in the context of this article can be translated simply as xi.

Added for article 10: akus ‘accuse, accusation, charge’, bina prehukum au neprehukumi ‘unbiased, impartial, without prejudice(s)' (au adil ‘just, fair, impartial’), determin ‘determine, determination’, igvalnes ‘equality’ (igval+nes), krimi ‘criminal (adjective)' (krim+i), publiki ‘public (adjective)' (publika+i), sun ‘hear, hearing (act, legal procedure)'.

Added for article 9: arbitrer ‘arbitrary’, areste ‘arrest’, detene ‘detain, detention’, esil ‘exile’.

Added for article 8: basi ‘fundamental, basic’, da ‘give, grant’, efeti ‘effective’ (efet+i), kompeten ‘competent’, korte ‘court (of law), tribunal’, kostitusi ‘constitution’, remedi ‘remedy’.

Added for articles 1–7: amit ‘admit, admission, recognize (legally), recognition’, anti ‘anti-, against’, basa ‘base, foundation’, diskrimin ‘discriminate, discrimination’, esklave ‘slave’, esklavenes ‘slavery, servitude’, fana nica ‘degrading’, fa obyet (de) ‘subject (cause to undergo)', forma ‘shape, form (noun)', ha ‘have, possess, hold’, haki kanun ‘jurisdiction’, insit ‘incite, instigate, incitement’, komersia ‘trade, commerce’, kustodia ‘custody, guardianship’, limit ‘limit, restrict, restriction’, naruxa ‘violate, break, violation, breach’, nedependena ‘independent’, nepermit ‘forbid, prohibit’, pertene ‘belong (to), pertain (to)', proteje ‘protect, protection’, puni ‘punish, punishment’, reji ‘govern, rule’, serfenes ‘serfdom’ (serfe+nes), suverennes ‘sovereignty’, surnes ‘safety, security’, teritoria ‘territory’, tortur ‘torture’, trata ‘treat, treatment’.

From "I Have a Dream" (part of the Martin Luther King speech)

Starting from: “I say to you today, my friends, (…),” and ending at: “(…) sisters and brothers. I have a dream today.”

Added from this list: adilnes ‘justice (also as institution), fairness, justness’, bibir ‘lip’, difisil ‘difficult, difficulty (something that’s difficult)', eviden ‘obvious, evident, self-evident’ (‘self-evident’ could also be expressed as ingi eviden or eviden eviden, if that’s considered too weak), fa real ‘realize, make real, carry out, live out’, fa siro ‘nullify, nullification’, haja ‘owner’, hasidi ‘malicious, vicious’ au kruel ‘cruel, vicious’, hata ‘even (adverb)', hukum ‘judge, judgment’, imanin ‘creed’, interveka ‘interpose, interposition’ (inter+veka), jar ‘root’ (‘rooted’ might be gen jar), kapa ‘drip, dribble’, karater ‘character’, konfronta ‘face, confront’, kontenin ‘content’, krea ‘create’, malgre to ‘although, (even) though, albeit, notwithstanding (that)', oasis ‘oasis’, prei ‘former, previous’, rafiki ‘friend’, rasiste ‘racist (person)' (rasa+iste), sonya ‘dream (verb/noun)', sufoke ‘suffocate, choke, suffocation’, surejija ‘governor’ (su+reji+ja), trasforme ‘transform, transformation’, xvo ‘speech’.

Existed already: profon ‘deep, profound’.

From "Salute, Jonathan!" (Mithridates)

In order of appearance: –

Added from this list: verbo ‘verb’, buku deni ‘diary, journal, daybook’, gramatika ‘grammar’, katarui ‘vocabulary, wordlist’, mayu ‘May’, toxi ‘city’.

From "Lord's Prayer" (King James Version)

Added from this list: det ‘debt’, jen det ‘debtor’, fa sen ‘hallow, sanctify’, gide ‘lead, guide’, jana ‘heaven, sky’, pan ‘bread’, pardon ‘forgive, pardon’, rajeria ‘kingdom’, tenta ‘tempt, temptation’.

From "De Tunkrüper" (W. Wisser)

Added from this list: bi interes ‘care, be interested’ (kêhrt), bugiman ‘bogeyman’ (Bumann), dorso ‘back (noun)' (Rüch), fabi hafana ‘intimidated’ (verschüchtert), garaje ‘garage (place where cars are stored)' (Wạgenschur), intasar ‘wait (for), await’ (tọ̈f), kona ‘corner’ (Eck), neste ‘nest’ (Neß), pos ‘after, behind (in time or space)' (nạ), simba ‘lion’ (Löw), troglodit ‘wren’ (Tunkrüper), xikar ‘scold, rebuke’ (Schell’n), xye tem ‘some time, (a) while’ (Titlang).


Added from this list: Andora ‘Andorra’, Argentina ‘Argentina’, Asturie ‘Asturias’, Bolivia ‘Bolivia’, Brasil ‘Brazil’, Cile ‘Chile’, Ekvador ‘Ecuador’, Doicelan ‘Germany’, Galisia ‘Galicia’, Katalunya ‘Catalonia’, Kolombia ‘Colombia’, Korea ‘Korea’, Paragvai ‘Paraguay’, Peru ‘Peru’, Portugal ‘Portugal’, Urugvai ‘Uruguay’.

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Moldova
  • Monaco
  • Montenegro
  • North Macedonia
  • Norway
  • Romania - Romania
  • San Marino
  • Slovenia
  • United Kingdom
  • Vatican City


Added from this list: argentini ‘Argentine, Argentinian (adjective)', asturi ‘Asturian (adjective, language)', hindi ‘Hindi’, katalan ‘Catalan’ (adjective), papyamentu ‘Papiamentu, Papiamento’, portuges ‘Portuguese (adjective)', urdu ‘Urdu’.


Added from this list: budisme / iman budi ‘Buddhism’, eskul dau / dauisme ‘Taoism, Daoism (philosophy)', iman dau / dauisme ‘Taoism, Daoism (religion)', Islam ‘Islam’, hindisme / iman hindu ‘Hinduism’, hindu ‘Hindu’, jain ‘Jain’, jainisme / iman jain ‘Jainism’, jen budi ‘Buddhist (person)', jen eskul dau / jen dau ‘Taoist, Daoist (a teacher or follower of Taoist philosophy)', jen iman dau / jen dau ‘Taoist, Daoist (a teacher or follower of Taoist religion)', jen mormoni ‘Mormon (believer)', kristi ‘Christian (adjective)', kristisme ‘Christianity’, mormonisme ‘Mormonism’, muslim ‘Muslim’, yehudi ‘Jew, Jewish’, yehudisme ‘Judaism’.


Added from this list: arkitetin ‘architecture’ (arkitet+in), atom ‘atom’, osean ‘ocean’.

  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Geology
  • Energy
  • Barley
  • Oat
  • Rice
  • Rye
  • Wheat
  • Juice
  • Mathematics
  • Information
  • Encyclopedia
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology
  • Mythology
  • Catholic Church
  • Confucianism
  • Sikhism
  • Zoroastrianism
  • Sufism
  • Yoga
  • Zen
  • Civilisation
  • Geography
  • Continent
  • Desert
  • Oceania
  • Electronics
  • Engineering
  • Farming
  • Medicine
  • Atheism
  • Bahá’í
  • Esotericism
  • Paganism
  • Theology
  • Sect
  • Copyright
  • Economics
  • Government
  • Algebra
  • Anthropology
  • wisdom
  • republic
  • Socialism
  • literature
new_word_proposals.txt · Last modified: 2023-03-15 09:50 by christian

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